RGreenthumb Member


  • Damn! Messed up my quoting there!
  • Ha! Same boat. I had a super high carb day, followed by a normal extremely salty day, and the scale read 142 yesterday morning...like 14lbs heavier than my start weight 3 months ago!!! But at the gym I felt fine :) Are you around that time in your cycle? I tend to lean out before ovulation. It's nice but lasts like 4 days…
  • You're right. Had an amazing lower body session yesterday so the strength is worth it. Plus I ended up with takeaway three days in a row, which probably didn't help the fluffy feeling!
  • Well I am feeling very fluffy indeed at the moment and I'm supposed to keep going until Easter. I'm desperately trying to convince myself to keep going as I've only done a few months and I don't want to end up yo-yoing and not actually building any real muscle. My arms and hamstrings do feel bigger on a good way, so I'm…
  • I'm about 4 weeks in to my first bulk. I had gained 2llbs when I weighed in last week, but as of this morning I've lost them again! I guess it must have been water weight so I may need to up my calories. What a hardship in the countdown to Christmas! I've also changed my workout to PHUL, which I'm really enjoying. My upper…
  • Me too! Only I wasn't actually in the class at the time, but the changing room. I'd recently got engaged and was trying to work out how secure my ring was and whether to leave it on or not. I thought I'd test out a few moves and ended up whacking myself square on the chin. Ring stayed on though!
  • I've just finished 7.2 and my goodness it's hard! So many reps!!!
  • Wow you guys sure can talk! So much to catch up on since I've been away. Runzalot-your tea party looked amazing! Such cute china, and your dress was perfect. I hope you had a fab time. Pmag-I'm just impressed that you're still managing to get some exercise in despite being poorly! I hope you feel better soon. I'm back to…
  • My boyfriend was getting so crazy excited about that game! I just felt really sorry for Brazil, especially when they showed a little boy crying! My legs have finally recovered from my first NROLFW workout. I think Body Combat really helped actually. I'm going to do Workout B tonight and I have to say, I am looking forward…
  • I did my first workout and my goodness were those squats tough! I managed 14kg (30lbs) and I cannot imagine increasing that weight within a week. I think I might have to stick to 14kg for the next workout and not worry too much about it. The good news is that I didn't have any lower back pain whilst doing them, which…
  • Hello! I'm new here and have yet to start, but I've just set up all my equipment ready to start Stage one tomorrow. I'm slightly concerned everything is going to be too heavy for me since I'm so puny, but everyone's got to start somewhere right? At least I'm going to be at home so no need to worry about the beefy men at…
  • Thanks everyone - your suggestions have all been really helpful! I feel a lot less like I'm going round and round in circles now.
  • Thanks for the suggestion! I'm having trouble visualising what you mean-could you point me in the direction of something along these lines?
  • It's the power rack that's slightly daunting, as it is expensive and also cumbersome! I'm in the UK so Craigslist doesn't have much on it. I've been keeping an eye on Gumtree and EBay though. Thanks for your advice!
  • [/quote] Yikes, that is awful. I would definitely switch gyms, if that is an option. [/quote] Well I've paid for the year at my gym since it was a really good deal to do so. It's part of a group of local fitness centres, so I've Facebooked to ask if they have more equipment hidden at my local gym, or if they have more at…
  • Well I went and I asked to be shown the free weights. What did I get shown? The treadmill? I asked a second time and got shown the bike. I asked a third time and got told women don't really lift weights so he couldn't show me them. What the actual hell?! I kicke up a fuss and I have an appointment with someone who might be…
  • Right, I've decided to give it a go. I've got an induction at my gym (where I mostly do classes) to ask how to use the weights. I'm currently imagining all manner of ways that I could make myself look stupid and be laughed put of town, but hopefully they're all pretty unlikely. I'll report back, unless a great pit of shame…