BBruins12 Member


  • I'll be bold, and say that as a chef, being on his feet all day, Clif bars aren't a terrible idea. They sit like a brick in your stomach helping you feel full, and alot of that sugar will be burned away shortly after eating it. I'll house one for breakfast if I can't get out of bed early enough to make breakfast. Just my…
  • I'm gonna try this out tonight with some skinnless buffalo chicken. Thanks for the recipe, I've been dying for a calzone too...
  • Mountain Dew Kickstart isgoing to be the death of me...
  • Believe it or not Wii fit helps out a lot....they have Yoga programs on TV that you can watch that helps with breathing. I hate running for runnings sake, it's the worst, so I got back on my bike. Pedaling around the city for a couple hours has burned as much as 2000 calories, and a decent inexpensive bike will run you…
  • Bananas are good, Not only will the potassium give you energy in the AM, but they have very few calories which is breeeety sweet...I usually go with fruit as it's digested rather easily and it's like eating candy that's healthy for you...just make sure you don't get the garbage that's in a can asthe calorie intake will be…