

  • Well, A few words of encouragement went along way. It made me get through the tough time I was going through. Now my son is at his location and I went back to the gym today and kicked some butt... I worked out for 3 and a half hours. Took 2 classes and worked freely upstairs in the gym for an hour +. Got a great swim then…
  • Very kind words thank you so very much. It means alot.
  • I would normally say that would be a great idea but he is overseas and calls me on skype (the computer) and I don't have an iphone or anything like that which would allow me to install that appication on my phone so I wouldn't miss his calls. He calls on the computer. Once he is there and I know what time it is there I can…
  • Thank you very much. Sorry I haven't gotten back to any of you since I posted but it has been CRAZY with him already. I have gotten to speak to him but once again he is on the move so I dunno when I will hear from him again. Im alot calmer then I was the other night but I still have my moments of flat out crying. I am so…
  • I HAVE TO AGREE. Shame on him. I am a former Joplian and what your brother is doing is NOT RIGHT. There are thousands of people who need everything from toothbrushes to soap to bath towels to food to new furniture and NEW HOMES. They need every item sent their way. I can promise you that there are still hundreds that have…
  • OK I have to ask. Do you live in Joplin? I lived there for 8 years and was devastated about the tornado. Fortunately none of my friends or my sons friends lost their lives but many were injured and his high school is gone. :( Thanks for the diet info. I am really not much of a cooker. I like simple things. I only cook for…
  • Thank you all so much for your advice. I appreciate it very much.