Needing a little bit of support here

tnaron7622 Posts: 9
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
My son deployed today and all I have been able to think about is when is he going to call me. Did he get there safe. I can't miss his call.

I went to my workout classes today and 15min into my second class I could not muster up the strength to complete the class and I was so worried I would miss his call I came home. I did an hour and 15 min worth of exercises but should have been 2 hours. I know my bar shows I haven't lost any weight but I have lost a total of 21lbs since April 1st I just didn't know about this web site.
This is just me writing down and putting into words how I feel. I feel like I let myself down by not completing my classes but on the other hand I feel I should be here in front of the computer waiting on his call. What am I going to do? Urgggggg

Frustrated me....


  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    Breath and give yourself some credit. An hour and fifteen minutes is great. I am lucky to get an hour in a day. It is completely normal to be worried and afraid to miss his call. Can you do some workouts at home so that you are there for the call, but still working out? you can do a back on the check in so that the weight shows are your bar. Good Luck and keep your head up!
  • mamatomany6
    mamatomany6 Posts: 6 Member
    My husband is retired Navy so I know how it feels to be missing him and not knowing what is going on and just hoping and praying that he is okay. Your son will call when he is able to. It is so hard to be separated from a loved on especially when they are sent to a dangerous place.
    Kudos for going to the gym! Focus on that and know how proud he will be when he gets home and sees a healthy, thinner, YOU!
  • ElleEise
    ElleEise Posts: 21
    Anxiety for your son is so natural right now. He is serving his country and putting himself at risk for all of us... I think it makes perfect sense that you are distracted. Keep the phone with you when you work out and leave when he calls (if it's on the cell phone)... And then just keep a goal in mind: like you want to lose X lbs by the time he gets back or X lbs by the time you talk to him next. I'm sure you will be super proud of you!!!

    And congrats on the weight loss so far!!! Feel free to drop me a line whenever you need a pick me up! *It's the least any of us could do as thanks for the sacrifice your family makes.
  • Mandired78
    Mandired78 Posts: 69
    I can't imagine how you feel! I am deeply indebted to your family for your sacrifice for our country!

    Would your instructor let you leave your phone nearby? That seems reasonable to me. Don't let your anxiety stall your weight loss..imagine how proud of you your son will be when he comes home to a new, healthy you!

    God bless you on your journey!
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    First off, welcome to the MFP family!! glad you have found us and I am confident you will find lots of friends here and will receive the support you obviously need at this very difficult time. I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now. My daughters work in the UK now (we are Canadian) and I have a difficult time being away from them at the best of times. I worry continually that they are safe and you have every right in the world to feel anxious and scared....I am sure you also must feel extremely proud of his bravery and commitment.
    Congrats on the weight loss thus far and hopefully you find that MFP will make it easier - a healthy way to do this new life adventure.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend here on will always get support with any friends you make on this site. its amazing.
    I have met people in all over world thru this site and I have only been doing this since January!

    The best thing you can do for your son is to take care of healthy and happy for when you do get a chance to talk...

    Talk soon..
  • weemsr
    weemsr Posts: 8
    Let me first start by saying THANK YOU to your son for his service. Without the armed forces defending America, we would be lost. I'll pray for his safe return tonight.

    Secondly, in my experience with weight loss for the past two years (80 lbs down), I have realized that there is INDEED a link between mental fitness and physical fitness. If you are motivated mentally, your body will follow suit.

    It is very easy to grow discourgased with yourself, and feel like you have let yourself down. But remember the moments where you felt let down and use them for the next time. Maybe push yourself harder next time around.

    As for the dilemma between whether you should wait for your son to call, or whether you should spend time in the gym, YOU ARE A PARENT. Your son comes first, no questions asked. It's only instinctual to be worried. Forgive yourself for the conflict and do what's right in your heart.

    I have often found that it is the quality of the exercise that I am doing, rather than the quantity pof time I spend. You could still do quite a bit in 25-30 mins to give yourself ample time for the "curveballs" in life.

    Keep your head high. The very fact that you are worried about all this stuff means you have a heart.

    I hope I helped you out. TAke care!
  • reebop67
    reebop67 Posts: 6
    First, know that I will keep you and your son in my prayers. What a brave man he must be, and how proud are you that he is willing to serve our country? Thank you for raising such a wonderful man! Secondly, the thing I found most wonderful about MFP is that there is NO judgement here. Good job losing the weight!! Everyone here know what a struggle it is or we wouldn't be here, too. :-) Do you have call forwarding on your home phone? You could forward the call to your cell phone and keep your phone on vibrate in your pocket. That way, when he calls, you can quietly step out and take the call. :) Or is he going to Skype with you? That is a different animal unless you have the ability to Skype on your smart phone. Stop being so hard on yourself. 75 minutes is a good workout, even if you're used to 2 hrs. Stress is bad for losing weight, too, so sit down, take a deep breath and relax for a minute. You could even brew up some mint tea and sip until his call comes in. I pray that you God sends you a peace that passes all understanding and that He puts His mighty hands around you and your son while he is deployed. God bless you and keep you! - Reebop67
  • aprilturner1
    aprilturner1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you and your son for your sacrifies. I hope that you get that phone call soon, and it helps put your mind at easy. Just a thought - my phone company has an option that you can have calls from your home phone forwarded to your cell phone. If you have a cell this might be an option that gives you a little more freedom.
  • bradylover12
    bradylover12 Posts: 18 Member
    It is a tough life. I totally understand. I nanny for a family where both the parents are in the Air Force and I worry about them all the time. But you have to stay strong and have faith. Do not put your needs aside. It may be hard at first, but get a routine working for you and it may distract you a bit but it will get you out and about. Keep your chin up and thank your son for all that he does!! :) If you are a praying type of person, pray and have faith in God.
  • Thank you very much. Sorry I haven't gotten back to any of you since I posted but it has been CRAZY with him already. I have gotten to speak to him but once again he is on the move so I dunno when I will hear from him again. Im alot calmer then I was the other night but I still have my moments of flat out crying. I am so proud of him but on the same note I am so scared for him. Thank you all for your support. Its much appreciated.
  • Thank you and your son for your sacrifies. I hope that you get that phone call soon, and it helps put your mind at easy. Just a thought - my phone company has an option that you can have calls from your home phone forwarded to your cell phone. If you have a cell this might be an option that gives you a little more freedom.

    I would normally say that would be a great idea but he is overseas and calls me on skype (the computer) and I don't have an iphone or anything like that which would allow me to install that appication on my phone so I wouldn't miss his calls. He calls on the computer.

    Once he is there and I know what time it is there I can pretty much let him know I will not be home between x and x hours so he wont call and miss me. Again thank you for all your support. Its much appreciated
  • First, know that I will keep you and your son in my prayers. What a brave man he must be, and how proud are you that he is willing to serve our country? Thank you for raising such a wonderful man! Secondly, the thing I found most wonderful about MFP is that there is NO judgement here. Good job losing the weight!! Everyone here know what a struggle it is or we wouldn't be here, too. :-) Do you have call forwarding on your home phone? You could forward the call to your cell phone and keep your phone on vibrate in your pocket. That way, when he calls, you can quietly step out and take the call. :) Or is he going to Skype with you? That is a different animal unless you have the ability to Skype on your smart phone. Stop being so hard on yourself. 75 minutes is a good workout, even if you're used to 2 hrs. Stress is bad for losing weight, too, so sit down, take a deep breath and relax for a minute. You could even brew up some mint tea and sip until his call comes in. I pray that you God sends you a peace that passes all understanding and that He puts His mighty hands around you and your son while he is deployed. God bless you and keep you! - Reebop67

    Very kind words thank you so very much. It means alot.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi, glad you feeling a little better. I cant imagine what a worry it would be fo you.

    Until you are happier and he is settled somewhere, I would execise at home and at least you know you wont miss him and dont miss out on your exercises.

    Well done on your weighloss so far.

  • Well, A few words of encouragement went along way. It made me get through the tough time I was going through. Now my son is at his location and I went back to the gym today and kicked some butt... I worked out for 3 and a half hours. Took 2 classes and worked freely upstairs in the gym for an hour +. Got a great swim then a shower and I feel great. Oh and my son is safe :) Very happy...

    Thank you all for being great
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