

  • My abosolute favorite snack is Philly fat free cream cheese with Reduced fat Wheat Thins.
  • Most of the replies sugguset something sweet. Try it with diced tomatoes, Frank's Red Hot sauce, or Mrs. Dash for a savory twist.
  • I have heard the same, that tap is better for you complete with it's small amounts of sodium, potassium, magnesium, fluoride... However, I recently heard a fitness/nutrition expert recommend distilled as part of a low sodium life as not to retain water. So I was curious as to what others have heard, thanks.
  • Thanks for the tips!
    in Hello! Comment by carlisled August 2008
  • Is distilled water good to drink or does it remove or throw off balance your electrolytes (sodium, potasium etc.)?
  • I started Aug.1 and having fun tracking my calories. I''ve kept food diaries before but never counted calories. Hope this works. I was inspired by Jillian Michaels' book Making the Cut. I want to get cut by losing the layer of fat covering my muscles (I know they are there). LOL
    in Hello! Comment by carlisled August 2008