

  • DANG hummus was going to be my suggestions also! One of my favorites! Another one, instead of chips and salsa...because most chips are not on the diet...I like baked chicken breast with a bite of salsa. Also bologna wrapped around cheese!
  • I hang my small clothes in front of me while im running!! :) Got any other suggestions?
  • Wow.....I had the same question. Will you still lose it in your calves if your work out is running?? Or will they just get bigger?
  • WOW Didnt mean to offend anyone I was having a rough day and just wanted a little help. Becca- I dont have any friends that are supportive or I would definately encourage them to join. Lyadela- I really didnt say anything bad about the users I said I didnt like the chat because i couldnt tell if I was responded to. Sorry…
  • I havnt been paying attention to my miles I just set calorie goals. Does anyone know of a good way to TRACK MY SUGAR????
  • i always said i was not a runner, but I got a tredmill for Christmas and I LOVE IT. Even just walking hills is a great work out for your lower abs, and easier on the joints.
  • Oh man....sugar is my weakness. So this belly fat cure, is a book? Or can you find it on a website?