
Tips? Advice? Anything?
Recently found my love for the treadmil.
Anything helps!


  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    When I was running over the summer, I used the treadmill after every workout at the gym.

    I'm not positive on my methods but what I would do is set my run to 20 minutes (this is a post-workout run), set the first five minutes to about 5 mph and after the five minutes is up I would add either .2 mph every minute or .1 every 30 seconds after that (as necessary). Once I got to 19 minutes, I would do a full-out sprint until 20 minutes, then I would do a light jog as a 5 minute cool-down.

    I'm not sure how good/bad that is for a treadmill workout but it didn't seem to do me all that bad over the summer. I guess you should also keep in mind that I would do this after weight lifting
  • Dannyelle999
    i always said i was not a runner, but I got a tredmill for Christmas and I LOVE IT. Even just walking hills is a great work out for your lower abs, and easier on the joints.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Someone mentioned this site for a 20 minute treadmill workout the other day:
    If you are only using the treadmill, I would mix up the incline and speeds to keep your heart rate up and keep it interesting. It is good to alternate jogging/running/ and walking. Ideally a pyramid system is good for burning fat. I always start with a 5 minute warm up and finish with 3-5 minute cool down and try to do up to 25 minutes of running/jogging with short walks to recover in between.
  • aynur05
    I too recently got a treadmill, which is awesome because it's been too rainy/icy to run outside.
    My personal goal is to run 3 or 4 miles without stopping, and right now I'm at 1.5 miles. When I got the treadmill I started off at .75 miles running and upped it by .25 miles after 1 1/2 weeks or so. I also do a .25 mile warm up and cool down period.
    I'm also trying to maintain a faster speed, I'm up to 6.0 mph and got up to 6.4 for a while today. (that's good, for me).
    My incline is at 1.5 miles, so that when I start running outside again I'll be more prepared.
    I stick in one of those 'calorie-burner' workouts one day a week to change my routine.

    Plus, I think you want to have at least one day a week where you're not running, to give your body a break.
  • Dannyelle999
    I havnt been paying attention to my miles I just set calorie goals. Does anyone know of a good way to TRACK MY SUGAR????
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If you mean sugar on MFP then click on my home...settings...diary settings and add sugar to your list of tracked items (carbs, fat and protein are default, add what you want.. sugar.. sodium... but for some reason on the website you can only track 5 at a time.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    You can monitor sugar:

    Under settings, diary settings, use pull down menu to select sugar

    The default goal is 30 g. If you want it different, go to:

    Goals, change goals, custom, change sugar