caexi Member


  • Aww :( Take a little rest, maybe work on some upper body until it's better and hopefully it feels better soon!
    in 911 beaches Comment by caexi July 2011
  • :laugh:
    in So... Comment by caexi July 2011
  • I'm kinda missing my FB lately too. I'd be happy to have friends from MFP :), my FP name is "notcarrie" (
  • Going to join you on this :) I'm on day 5... 30 day shred Day 1 6/20/11 Weight –144.? lbs Bust – N/A, Didn't measure. Waist – 33 Hips – 42 Day 5 6/24/11 Weight – 143.2 Bust – 36 Waist – 33 Hips – 41 Day 10 6/29/11 Weight – Bust – Waist – Hips – Day 15 7/4/11 Weight – Bust – Waist – Hips – Day 20 7/9/11 Weight – Bust –…
  • This is funny. I was just talking about this with the BF the other day... I told him that MFP was like Facebook, but with a purpose! I haven't really touched my facebook lately, it's almost like a chore to log in there. Here we have a common goal, and on Facebook everything is so self-involved, and even negative a lot of…
  • I'm awake at odd hours too. I think it makes more sense to log it into your same day, because even though it's not a traditional day which ends at midnight, it's still YOUR day.
  • I agree that there are many inconsistencies when calculating burned calories. In fact, it's all pretty confusing. There are posts all around the internet that scare you into thinking that your body will go into "starvation" mode if you don't consume enough calories to cover your basic needs, etc. However, myself, not being…
  • Gnat, we're pretty much in the exact same spot. It's such an odd place to be at too because it teeters right at the Healthy/Overweight mark. Some days in I can look in the mirror and feel like things are okay, but then I step onto the Wii Fit and it (ever so lovingly) tells me I'm overweight. I'm excited for her to one day…
  • I'd like to join :). I just joined the forum and saw this PERFECT POST :). I've been using Myfitnesspal on my phone for about 10 days now, and the app is great, but I was just thinking it would be nice to get some extra motivation. My original goal was to lose 20 pounds, but I'm upping it to 30 just to keep my exercise…