ncashman Member


  • absolutely, it can also cause inflammation that may look like weight gain. It can also disrupt your bacterial imbalance in your gut and research is showing that your intestinal flora can cause weight issues. In fact a new study came out a few months ago that the reason gastric bypass works has less to do with the decreased…
  • It's not silly and unneeded if people have hidden food intolerances. A lot of my clients live with vague, random symptoms thinking they are normal when they are actually related to food intolerances and when that particular food is removed not only do their symptoms go away but they also drop the weight that they were…
  • And I've lost 180 lbs.. and kept it off.. Sorry perhaps counting calories wasnt' the best phrase.. but you don't need to eat under 1200 calories to lose weight.
  • When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting…
  • I knew within the first month and we've been together over 8 years.. married just over 5
  • I've been losing body fat but gaining muscle and have been doing crossfit for a year now so its not still new (not to mention I worked out before crossfit). the progress is smaller now but the percentages are changing still. I eat strict paleo - no dairy, grain, processed foods etc even avoid all the little additives like…
  • Absolutely! keep it up! I know when I was over 300 lbs I swear it took about 60lbs before people started noticing! its frustrating but don't stop! You'll get there!
  • There's a lot of research out there on active recovery. It helps encourage lactic acid removal and speed up muscle recovery. so go for a walk, hike, light bike ride, or yoga or just something to get the muscles moving rather than taking a full rest day. I've started doing active recovery and felt a huge difference. I don't…
  • try changing up your routine of both types of food and exercise. good luck!
    in helppppp Comment by ncashman July 2012
  • my crossfit just had a seminar on foam rolling and its helping my knee pain quite a bit. I just did a quick google search and found two sites that had similar moves to what we learned. Hope it helps!…
  • If you guys are interested there's a book called "Wheat Belly" by a cardiologist Dr. William Davis who treats his patients with a wheat free nutritional program. Check it out!
  • Actually Its not. I'm getting my masters in nutrition and there is a lot of research out there about food addiction/cravings. As well, people with food intolerances tend to crave the foods that they can't digest properly. As for paleo, I've been gluten free for 4 years and strict paleo for 4-5 months and feeling great. I…
  • You should be talking to a professional but perhaps not this doctor. MD's (and especially if it was your surgeon) aren't trained in everything especially things along the lines of exercise and nutrition (those topics aren't part of their focus and can usually only give general guidelines that apply to everyone not…
  • You're eating way too little and more importantly are not getting an adequate daily amount vitamins and minerals! You need to increase your fruits and vegetables and your protein! Your portion sizes if you're logging in the right amounts are very small. If you have trouble eating a lot in one sitting then eat many small…