1200 calories, exercise, but no weight loss!!



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    BS... if you are truly eating 1200 calories and exercising you will lose weight. If you are not losing weight.. u are not eating 1200 calories. End of story. Also if you are 164 lbs at 5'4... there is no change of starvation mode. When your bodyfat hits 10% or so.. there is a chance of starvation mode then.

    At a deficit you will ALWAYS lose weight.

    No that is BS- Are you serious, the body can go into starvation mode at a deficit such as she is eating if it is used to getting more and it needs more to run on than 100 a day! GTFOOHWT- Having been to numerious nutrionist I can say that with pretty much absolute certainty. Stop giving BAD advice for something you obviously know nothing about!

    Sorry about the repost but I meant to quote an earlier msg.

    And I can say your post is BS......I ate 800 calories for two years with no sign of those dreaded words "starvation mode". As long as she is over 10% in BF there is NO chance of starvation mode. Please stop scaring people with that nonsense.
  • ncashman
    ncashman Posts: 14 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.


    See ticker below, that counting calories. :tongue:

    And I've lost 180 lbs.. and kept it off.. Sorry perhaps counting calories wasnt' the best phrase.. but you don't need to eat under 1200 calories to lose weight.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.


    See ticker below, that counting calories. :tongue:

    And I've lost 180 lbs.. and kept it off.. Sorry perhaps counting calories wasnt' the best phrase.. but you don't need to eat under 1200 calories to lose weight.

    I can at least agree with you there. I do believe in eating nutrient dense food but to me, restricting things for the sake of weight loss is silly and unneeded. If that's the way you like to do it, fine. But it isn't the end all.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    Not having read through all 12 pages of this thread.... I looked up your TDEE and w/o exercise your BMR is 1667. According to this formula in order to lose 41 lbs in a year you should eat 1600 calories. So, if you have set your MFP plan to sedentary and 2 pounds then that is probably how you got to 1200 (they usually don't give anyone a lower calorie intake than that).

    At 5'5" you could be anywhere from 117-155 and be considered healthy. So at 164 to start I would think you probably should not be going for 2 lbs a week. You should start with 1. That will give you more calories. Then if you work out and you plan to use MFP the way it is designed you would eat back your exercise calories so that you NET the number of calories that MFP gives you.

    In order to accurately enter calories consumed you need to weigh and measure, being off on serving sizes even by a little bit can add up if you are doing it at every meal, every day.

    This is the calculator I use http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ to determine my BMR and calories to lose. I also like to look up what my goal weight is and see what the maintenance calories will be once I get there. It helps since then I will know how many calories I will be able to eat moving forward to stay at my goal!

    Good luck with this.
  • shelbyss133
    shelbyss133 Posts: 20 Member
    honey when doing T25 you have to be eating at least 1500 cals because you burn a lot doing that program. message me if you need any help ill be happy to help!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It just blows me away how many people say "eat more".

    Joe: "Help! My house is on fire!"

    Frank: "Here! Take these matches!"

    No, you need flint and steel. Those matches are processed.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    no, your eating more calories than you think, and possibly over estimating your exercise burn. if you were truly in a deficit, you would be losing weight.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Paging special snowflakes.

    Believe it or not but we are all special snowflakes. Like it or not my body does NOT work the same as your body because we are all the same but yet we are all different. If we were all the same we'd all be fat or we'd all be skinny. We'd all have cancer or non of us would. I can be exposed to something that will make me ill but yet expose you to the same thing and nothing happens. Feed me less carbs and I lose weight, feed you less carbs and nothing changes....we are different, we are all "SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES"
  • ncashman
    ncashman Posts: 14 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.


    See ticker below, that counting calories. :tongue:

    And I've lost 180 lbs.. and kept it off.. Sorry perhaps counting calories wasnt' the best phrase.. but you don't need to eat under 1200 calories to lose weight.

    I can at least agree with you there. I do believe in eating nutrient dense food but to me, restricting things for the sake of weight loss is silly and unneeded. If that's the way you like to do it, fine. But it isn't the end all.

    It's not silly and unneeded if people have hidden food intolerances. A lot of my clients live with vague, random symptoms thinking they are normal when they are actually related to food intolerances and when that particular food is removed not only do their symptoms go away but they also drop the weight that they were struggling to lose. You don't have to keep these foods out forever or necessarily avoid them 100% of the time. I was merely suggesting to this person to try it since they were struggling despite the restricted calories.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    Prior to last Monday, I was sitting at the same weight for over 3 months.

    Last Week Changes:

    ~ 3716 exercise calories burned (HEAVY lifting and cardio...some fasted some not)
    ~ 1600+ calories consumed M-Th
    ~ 2100+ calories consumed Fri-Sun (even though I didn't log, but I had pizza, cookies, soda, and tea)
    ~ lost 3.4 lbs from last Monday until this morning

    Not telling you what to do...this was just my experience.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    good to see all those starving Africans and Ethiopians are holding on to their body weight and gaining weight on the few calories they are able to get in each day! "starvation mode" at its finest... I always wondered by those starving in 3rd world countries were obese... I knew all the pictures of the skinny, boney starving women were fake!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.


    See ticker below, that counting calories. :tongue:

    And I've lost 180 lbs.. and kept it off.. Sorry perhaps counting calories wasnt' the best phrase.. but you don't need to eat under 1200 calories to lose weight.

    I can at least agree with you there. I do believe in eating nutrient dense food but to me, restricting things for the sake of weight loss is silly and unneeded. If that's the way you like to do it, fine. But it isn't the end all.

    It's not silly and unneeded if people have hidden food intolerances. A lot of my clients live with vague, random symptoms thinking they are normal when they are actually related to food intolerances and when that particular food is removed not only do their symptoms go away but they also drop the weight that they were struggling to lose. You don't have to keep these foods out forever or necessarily avoid them 100% of the time. I was merely suggesting to this person to try it since they were struggling despite the restricted calories.

    Well, intolerances aside. Calorie counting is king. Is it really possible to not lose any weight because of it? I just don't see how that's possible. I would assume it would make you feel like junk, but stall your loss?
  • Hi , I would deffo agree that you are not giving yourself enough fuel. You may feel ok energy wise but your metabolism needs boosting not starving. I did the Insanity programme and had to teach myself to eat 5 x 300 calorie meals per day. The weight starting coming off immediately. It's the most food i've ever eaten, and i've eaten...ALOT! But then i stopped following the nutrition plan for a couple of weeks and did 3 meals per day, just due to laziness, and i stopped losing weight. As soon as i went back to 5 meals, weight came off again! So, I would suggest you download the insanity nutrition plan. It's really easy to follow, and even if you don't follow it, you will get some ideas for low cal meals, but also a really helpful section on adding calories. So for example you could find 3 small things that would bump up your calories to 1500 per day. Like 12 x almonds =100cals. It's also very important that you are getting the right amount of proteins/fats/carbs. The nutrition plan explains all you need to know. I eat some protein with every meal. Good luck x
  • hahahaha class !
  • jeanhartog
    jeanhartog Posts: 1 Member
    I am exactly in the same situation, very disappointing!!
  • ncashman
    ncashman Posts: 14 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.


    See ticker below, that counting calories. :tongue:

    And I've lost 180 lbs.. and kept it off.. Sorry perhaps counting calories wasnt' the best phrase.. but you don't need to eat under 1200 calories to lose weight.

    I can at least agree with you there. I do believe in eating nutrient dense food but to me, restricting things for the sake of weight loss is silly and unneeded. If that's the way you like to do it, fine. But it isn't the end all.

    It's not silly and unneeded if people have hidden food intolerances. A lot of my clients live with vague, random symptoms thinking they are normal when they are actually related to food intolerances and when that particular food is removed not only do their symptoms go away but they also drop the weight that they were struggling to lose. You don't have to keep these foods out forever or necessarily avoid them 100% of the time. I was merely suggesting to this person to try it since they were struggling despite the restricted calories.

    Well, intolerances aside. Calorie counting is king. Is it really possible to not lose any weight because of it? I just don't see how that's possible. I would assume it would make you feel like junk, but stall your loss?

    absolutely, it can also cause inflammation that may look like weight gain. It can also disrupt your bacterial imbalance in your gut and research is showing that your intestinal flora can cause weight issues. In fact a new study came out a few months ago that the reason gastric bypass works has less to do with the decreased food intake and more to do with the changes in the bacteria flora. As well, hormones play such a huge role in weight loss, of course you can't eat unlimited calories and not gain weight but what types of foods you put into your body trigger different hormonal responses. And artificial food additives and sweeteners can mess with hormonal signalling, and I'm not just referring to the major ones like insulin and glucagon but also leptin, ghrelin as well.

    The problem with this starvation mode that people keep bashing on here is that yes you will lose weight eventually if you restrict your calories (so yes those starving people are not obese) but your body will break down muscle to keep its metabolic processes functioning, and it becomes dangerous when the body breaks down smooth muscle to sustain itself. And yes of course very low calorie diets can be successful otherwise companies like weight watchers etc wouldn't make money but many of those people have done those diets multiple times and they get temporary success, then they gain the weight back and sometimes more and they keep doing the yo-yo up and down.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    The problem with this starvation mode that people keep bashing on here is that yes you will lose weight eventually if you restrict your calories (so yes those starving people are not obese) but your body will break down muscle to keep its metabolic processes functioning, and it becomes dangerous when the body breaks down smooth muscle to sustain itself.

    The corollary of that is "if you're not losing weight, then you're not in 'starvation mode'" ;)
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    I dragged this thread on?? You have basically hijacked this thread!! And don't use quotation marks to say I said something that I didn't! I appreciate 90% of the responses. You are one of the few that I find to be negative, rude, and sarcastic. I don't like my words being twisted. Please, go away. I will pm some of the sensible, level-headed members here and avoid public message boards. I hope you don't do this to every thread! Yikes!

    It's interesting to me that you're reading so much into what Jonny has said (i.e. "negative, rude, and sarcastic"). It's also interesting to me that you want him to go away. He, Sara, Cindy, and several others have given you excellent advice, which you specifically solicited. These three specific people have been very successful with their weight loss, and they can provide excellent models for cutting, maintenance, and bulking. Just because you don't want to hear what they have to say doesn't mean they're not accurate in their assessment of your situation. For the record, I think they're correct. Unless you have some kind of metabolic condition, you're not logging your calories accurately. Maybe weighing everything seems like too much trouble. That's fine--you can just keep doing what you're doing and continue to not see any results. No one minds but you.

    As for their being "positive"... Cindy and Jonny are two of the most positive people on my friends list. I'm not friends with Sara but I've seen many of her posts; they are, without a doubt, some of the most informative and positive posts on this forum.
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