1200 calories, exercise, but no weight loss!!



  • QuincyChick
    QuincyChick Posts: 269 Member

    No that is BS- Are you serious, the body can go into starvation mode at a deficit such as she is eating if it is used to getting more and it needs more to run on than 100 a day! GTFOOHWT- Having been to numerious nutrionist I can say that with pretty much absolute certainty. Stop giving BAD advice for something you obviously know nothing about!

    Sorry about the repost but I meant to quote an earlier msg.

    Oh good lord.

  • In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    I dragged this thread on?? You have basically hijacked this thread!! And don't use quotation marks to say I said something that I didn't! I appreciate 90% of the responses. You are one of the few that I find to be negative, rude, and sarcastic. I don't like my words being twisted. Please, go away. I will pm some of the sensible, level-headed members here and avoid public message boards. I hope you don't do this to every thread! Yikes!
  • ncashman
    ncashman Posts: 14 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.
  • I tried changing the composition of my diet and stopped eating gluten (mostly bread and pasta/pizza, that I am not fond of it actually, but in this country I moved in is all they eat basically and I got weight even eating same amount of calories, but going from rice/salad/beans/cooked potatoes/protein to pasta/pizza/bread, even wholegrain ones). I changed my diet to the one in my old country and I lost some weight and cms already IN 1-2 months. calories restriction only didnt work for me. I feel bloated when I eat bread or pasta frequently.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.

    I guess all the people who didn't do this and have maintained an excellent physique are medical anomalies.
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    go see a doctor... maybe you aren't eating enough, maybe you are exercising too much, maybe you are eating more than you think you are eating, maybe you aren't exercising enough... however you play it, you are not providing your body with enough energy to actually survive (well below your BMR) and that is silly
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    In for the ragequit because OP didn't get the answer she wanted.

    What answer did she want? She doesn't seem to want the "eat less" or the "eat more" or anything lose in between.

    I'm not sure. Maybe "oh you poor thing you can't help it"? I have no idea.

    How sad. Most people on MFP seem to genuinely care and want to help. But, unfortunately, it only takes 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4) to take an innocent question and turn it into such a negative experience. Wonder how many folks have left MFP just because of the rudeness? If someone knows what the answer was that I wanted...please share. I don't want to eat less as it doesn't seem healthy to do so. I am concerned about eating more as I will gain. I am not asking for anyone's sympathy and am shocked at how a few can be so mean. Life is so much better when you are positive! You should try it!

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    I dragged this thread on?? You have basically hijacked this thread!! And don't use quotation marks to say I said something that I didn't! I appreciate 90% of the responses. You are one of the few that I find to be negative, rude, and sarcastic. I don't like my words being twisted. Please, go away. I will pm some of the sensible, level-headed members here and avoid public message boards. I hope you don't do this to every thread! Yikes!

    I wonder what solution you expect to get via PM you didn't get already.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    I dragged this thread on?? You have basically hijacked this thread!! And don't use quotation marks to say I said something that I didn't! I appreciate 90% of the responses. You are one of the few that I find to be negative, rude, and sarcastic. I don't like my words being twisted. Please, go away. I will pm some of the sensible, level-headed members here and avoid public message boards. I hope you don't do this to every thread! Yikes!
    For your own sake, please don't PM the sensible level headed members who have suggested it was starvation mode, sugar, processed food, lack of water, gluten or muscle gain.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I knew this thread was going places on page one.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    I dragged this thread on?? You have basically hijacked this thread!! And don't use quotation marks to say I said something that I didn't! I appreciate 90% of the responses. You are one of the few that I find to be negative, rude, and sarcastic. I don't like my words being twisted. Please, go away. I will pm some of the sensible, level-headed members here and avoid public message boards. I hope you don't do this to every thread! Yikes!
    For your own sake, please don't PM the sensible level headed members who have suggested it was starvation mode, sugar, processed food, lack of water, gluten or muscle gain.

    Note that sensible and level headed does not imply smart, knowledgeable, or experienced.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.


    See ticker below, that counting calories. :tongue:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...the body can go into starvation mode at a deficit such as she is eating...

    No, it cannot, this has been proven over and over by any number of clinical studies.

    BMR will drop, yes, by a small percentage. But nowhere near enough to cause a stall or, god forbid, weight gain.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    You dragged this thread on for 10 pages and finally concluded with "screw it all, I refuse to weigh food!" to a thread full of extremely helpful, successful people who weigh food.

    "The answer" is that you're eating much more than you think you are, and the reason you're eating more than you think you are is because you don't properly measure portions.

    You can either fix that, and succeed, or you can continue to fail and whine. It's really your choice.

    Is that mean? Maybe. But it's the truth.

    I dragged this thread on?? You have basically hijacked this thread!! And don't use quotation marks to say I said something that I didn't! I appreciate 90% of the responses. You are one of the few that I find to be negative, rude, and sarcastic. I don't like my words being twisted. Please, go away. I will pm some of the sensible, level-headed members here and avoid public message boards. I hope you don't do this to every thread! Yikes!
    For your own sake, please don't PM the sensible level headed members who have suggested it was starvation mode, sugar, processed food, lack of water, gluten or muscle gain.

    Note that sensible and level headed does not imply smart, knowledgeable, or experienced.

    Right? There is a small group of posters that actually use science, experience, and reason to help people on here nearly every day. OP, if you feel that someone has been rude to you, then it is because they are trying to help you and you have spurned their efforts, making the time they spent trying to wade through the information you gave completely pointless.

    I personally feel that you should show some gratitude. If not for Jonny, Sara, myself, and others, you would get page after page of "cut carbs/sugar/fat and drink more water because Starvation Mode" replies.
  • playjazz_b
    playjazz_b Posts: 5 Member
    that has been my problem!!!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    How long have you been doing this? Maybe not long enough, if you are doing the right things it will happen. I usually know if I'm doing the right things or kidding myself. You have to find what works for you.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    u need to eat more!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    When it comes to weight loss its less about the number of calories and more about the quality of calories and how they affect your hormones. So eat more protein and fat and less carbs and you can eat easily 1700 calories and lose weight. Counting calories is not effective at all. and when people do lose weight by cutting calories it is usually at the expense of muscle mass. Clean out your diet - ditch the gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy.

    Yep...counting calories never worked for anyone. Neither did eating gluten, sugar, processed foods, soy and dairy...nope...never.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    "however you play it, you are not providing your body with enough energy to actually survive (well below your BMR) and that is silly"

    Her body not only has enough energy (calories) to survive but to maintain her overweight status.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    It just blows me away how many people say "eat more".

    Joe: "Help! My house is on fire!"

    Frank: "Here! Take these matches!"
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Maybe your scale is broke. Just keep on keeping on, it will happen, especially if you are doing what you say you are, we all stall sometimes, you are doing great, sounds like you have energy, so just stick with it.
This discussion has been closed.