

  • Mine is still not working. Was up until Monday and now it isn't. Makes me mad and sad!!!
  • I did day 21 today but only day 6 of level 2. I am so out of shape that I decided to do 15 days of level 1 and then move to level 2. Will decide after 10 days of level 2 if I want to tackle 5 days of level 3. If still can't do level 2 continuous will stick with it. I definitely like level 2 better than 1 but the planks are…
  • I'm 5'3" and I weigh 218.5. So I am right there with you! :smile:
  • I did Level 2 day 1 today after doing 15 days of level 1. It wasn't as bad as I expected but bad enough. I guess we'll see how it goes.
  • I have found that I do better getting up earlier and exercising. If I wait until I get home, it never gets done. I have 2 kids and too many responsibilities and exercising gets pushed to the back of everything. So I get up and do it before the kids get up and then when I get home, I have time for them.
    in What to do??? Comment by Oleva July 2011
  • I just got put on glucophage on Thursday. My fasting glucose was 117 and my A1C was perfect. So not diabetic but he called it metabolic syndrome. I too have been struggling to lose weight and couldn't understand why the scales weren't budging even when I was really watching what I ate. So I was very glad to find out that…
  • MFP recommends eating 1250 calories then add on exercise calories and it ends up being around 2000. I want to lose 2 lbs. per week. I need to lose around 75 lbs, but would be happy with 50 at this point and then go from there. I usually eat at least 1500 calories. It just really frustrates me that the harder I try the less…
  • I have done weight watchers in the past and lost several pounds with it. I have just recently joined MFP and am kinda doing the WW at the same time. WW revamped their program in December, that said I haven't lost very much on it but I also hadn't been really strict either. So now I am determined to lose weight before I go…
  • I did my second day today and boy am I sore. It hurt to just get out of the bed this morning but I did. I went to the gym and did 35 min. on the elliptical and then came home and did the dvd. If I ever sit down, it hurts in my thighs to get up. But it is gonna be so worth it in the end.
  • I just bought and started the 30 Day Shred today. I knew I was out of shape but not so much. I was thinking how could this be for beginners? Anyway - I did what I could and will continue to do it. Count me in your group. I need all the motivation I can get. I'm heavier now than I have ever been except for pregnancy.