Anyone out there with Insulin Resistance?

Luv2Cook Posts: 24 Member
I've been struggling with weight loss for years! I noticed losing weight became extremely difficult after the birth of my 2nd child 6 years ago. I was recently diagnosed with Insulin Resistance. My doctor put me on glucophage. I'm also on a high protein, low carb diet. This has been a major life change for me and scary! However, I'm glad to know why it has been so difficul tto lose the weight. Would love to hear what others have to say on the topic and any advice you may have. :smile:


  • Oleva
    Oleva Posts: 12
    I just got put on glucophage on Thursday. My fasting glucose was 117 and my A1C was perfect. So not diabetic but he called it metabolic syndrome. I too have been struggling to lose weight and couldn't understand why the scales weren't budging even when I was really watching what I ate. So I was very glad to find out that there actually is a reason for this. Not so happy to be on medicine but that I can deal with it. So with that said, any info about this would be greatly appreciated since this is all new to me. Hopefully with taking the glucophage, the weight will start coming off. The doctor didn't put me on any special diet but knew I was watching calories. If you would like to have a friend with this journey, please add me.
  • Luv2Cook
    Luv2Cook Posts: 24 Member
    If it helps, I've been on glucophage for a month and I'm down about 10 lbs. I've also been counting calories. I have a long way to go to get to my goal, so I need all the help I can get! I'll make sure to add you.
  • irdietinfo
    irdietinfo Posts: 29
    Hey there, I have a website about insulin resistance and a Facebook page. It''s a growing little community! You will find lots of info and support there. I hope the moderators don't mind me sharing the link on here:
    I don't take medication (yet) - that may happen one day though. I've been adjusting to new eating habits and sharing what I have discovered for myself. My weight loss has been quite slow, but steady. The huge difference for me has been controlling my appetite.
  • Luv2Cook
    Luv2Cook Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for this information! I'll definitely check out the site. My doctor gave me the choice to take the glucophage since my fasting glucose rate was a little above 100. She felt the medication would help to control my insulin levels so that I would be more succesful with my weight loss. My goal is to be off it within the year.
  • irdietinfo
    irdietinfo Posts: 29
    Good luck with that goal - I wish you success!
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I have PCOS with insulin resistance. A few years ago I tried Glucophage, but it made me feel really sick no matter the dose so we stopped. The doc hasn't put me on a diet , but I've noticed I feel better when I keep the carbs lower.... and weightloss is definitely slow!
  • beaglegal
    beaglegal Posts: 15
    I was told that I was prediabetic several weeks ago. I have checked out every book that the library has and now.....I'M SOOO CONFUSED! I have signed up for a diabetic class that starts in August but that's in AUGUST! For now I am trying to do the best I can with the weight loss, cutting out some stuff and trying to eat more fruit, veggies, and non processed stuff. I know I need to get off my fanny but so far....not having much luck with getting in the habit of that. It will come. Right now it is so hot outside. I love to walk and I want to get back at that soon. I go back to the doctor the end of this month for a recheck and for her to see how I have done on my own. My DH keeps telling me I am probably going overboard but I would rather be safe than sorry. My mother is a diabetic and takes insulin 4 times a day. She has eye problems, kidney problems....I don't want to go there. Of course she is in her 80's but still. I don't want to be in her shape...ever!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I'm insulin resistance due to my hypothyroidism and extreme weight gain. I'm on metformin however. If you need any friends feel free to add me!
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Hey there, I have a website about insulin resistance and a Facebook page. It''s a growing little community! You will find lots of info and support there. I hope the moderators don't mind me sharing the link on here:
    I don't take medication (yet) - that may happen one day though. I've been adjusting to new eating habits and sharing what I have discovered for myself. My weight loss has been quite slow, but steady. The huge difference for me has been controlling my appetite.

    thank you for the website.