30 Day Shred Group - July



  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Being at the county fair, all day, everyday, and not getting home until 10 pm has really put a cramp in my exercise schedule! I did manage to get the Shred in this morning (Level 1 Day 9) while my dh watched for a bit. I told him he could exercise with me if he wanted...he did not want! lol
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Finished lvl 1 day 9 today. Trying to figure out when I'll get it in tomorrow as I'm going to stay the night with friends. I might can do it in the a.m. before I leave out for the day. Hummmm... decisions decisions!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    I hate planks. Hate hate hate them!! I've never been able to do them properly but you know what? Today was my D1L2 and I did everything! I even tried to follow Natalie the first time through and then Anita the second if I was tired. But I still hate planks. They kick my *kitten*. lol

    I think ur gonna love level 2. :tongue:
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    Level 2 Day 9 done! I just watched parts of level 3 and the WARM UP scared me lol

    Last day of level 2 for me today so level 3 is on the cards for tomorrow. If the warm up looks scary then I dread to think what's coming my way. Not gonna peek though, jyst gonna jump on in and see what jillian throws at me.
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Didn't do L2D3 yesterday, just couldn't talk myself into it but I did do an hour of cardio. Back on track today. Here's the good news, ready???

    I have not lost a pound, if anything I'm struggling to hang on to my lowest weigh in last week... BUT I measured just a tiny bit today because I need to know I'm making a difference because I just feel FAT! Turns out I'm 1/4 inch - 1/2 inch down in a couple areas! Maybe that's just fluctuation but I'm going with it. Not even halfway through and not a pound lost but measurements are creeping down. That means muscles baby!!!!!!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Finished Level 2 Day 8. I'm having a hell of a time with it because I went hiked 7 miles (1200 calories!) last Sunday and I wore my Vibrams. I thought my feet were toughened up enough because I'd been walking 2 miles 5 days a week for 2 weeks. My feet were not toughened. I got a blister on top of a blister. Seriously. The top of one blister peeled off midweek and there was another one underneath. That one peeled off on Thursday and that spot is really tender. It's at the base of my big toe on my right foot. So lunges and planks are not particularly fun at the moment. I finally have socks for my Vibrams so hopefully I can finally heal. I have an easy 5 mile hike planned for tomorrow and I would like to do both that and the shred. I have not lost any weight so far. And I think I've lost about 1/2" off my waist. I'm really hoping that I'm just building muscle and I'll start seeing a difference soon. It's really difficult to keep up my motivation when the scale won't budge and the tape is always the same.
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    It's really difficult to keep up my motivation when the scale won't budge and the tape is always the same.

    Agreed. I'm on D3L2 and I keep gaining back the same lbs and the same inches. Arggg! But I think my calves are looking great.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    I just did D1L2 today and I did not peek to see what I was in for before I started it. REALLY wish I had, she kicked my butt., My 10 year old decided to join me today and he was asking when it would be over. LOL!! I so hope I can get through level 2, I am terrified to see what level 3 will be like. But, since this is just my first day of L2 then I am not going to worry about it for a while. I think I will feel better about it tomorrow when my son will not be doing it with me and wanting to talk all the way through it. LOL!

    I do have to say, Jullian really needs to watch what she wears, with my son in the room and watching her every move and workign out with her, I was really hoping she was not going to fall out of her top. I was truely afraid that she was going to. (although I know they would not have put it on there, but the thought did cross my mind with him standing here watching her....LOL)
  • Finished D6&7L2 (I have a wedding tomorrow so I won't get it in so I figured to double up). Definitely exhausted now and looking forward to sleepytime :). When is Level 2 supposed to get easier (even though it is slightly easier than when I started it is still REALLY tough! I always have to take a few breaks just so I can put my full energy into every move. 3 more days of level 2 (wow time flies!)
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 231 Member
    day 1 of level 3 in the bag. some really tough moves in there but some not so bad too so maybe not quite as bad as i feared. i think i'm gonna enjoy level 3 more than level 2. although maybe thats coz i'm on the home stretch!!

    21 down - only 9 to go! :happy:
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    D2L2. Wow!! Made it through most of it but did have a couple of times where I had to take a 5 second break. But hung in there and burning some fantastic calories!!! Feelin GREAT!!!!
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Weighed this morning and 2lb down Yeah
    I missed a few days so I have just done day 15 and 16 - 1 level 1 and 1 level 2 I am knackered but catching up :tongue:
    Well done everyone we are half way :drinker:
  • aubarnold
    aubarnold Posts: 64 Member
    complete day2 lvl2 today....i didnt take measurements, but i am thinking maybe i should...great job everyone!!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Just finished Level 2, Day 9. Day 10 tomorrow and on to Level 3 on Tuesday. That's in addition to a 5 mile hike this morning. It's not that I'm that fit (I'm not), I just want to get this over with.
    I also just did the math and I probably have somewhere around 14 weeks until the first of two weddings this fall (all I know is Halloween-ish). Husband and I have figured out our costumes. In my college years I was a raver kid. I had the big jeans, blue hair and plastic jewelry to go with it. We both still have our raver gear and we don't want to buy costumes, so we're going to put on our Kicks, grab some glo-sticks and have fun. Problem is, those great big jeans have a little waist. I haven't even tried them on in years. I'm scared.
    So, I've decided to cycle through the main JM DVDs from now till then and hope for the best. Next on the list is Ripped in 30. That will get me through August. Then 6 Week 6 Pack will go through September and the beginning of October. The I'll just cycle through the upper levels of each until the weddings. The first wedding is in New Jersey so if nothing else I'll be able to wear my biggest jeans (I know those will fit, I could barely keep them up then) and long sleeves. The second is in Miami. No covering up there.
    I've got work to do.
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    D4L2 ouch! my legs.
    I'm having problems with the plank exercises. My floor is kinda slippery, and me sweating doesn't help. *sigh*
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    WOOHOO i am half done, tomorrow i will be on D18L2, i have been really good and have done 6 days straight. But i did have to force myself to get off the sofa. But once i get up, its done before i know it, and i'm all sweaty. I'm abit worried for L3.
  • Oleva
    Oleva Posts: 12
    I did day 21 today but only day 6 of level 2. I am so out of shape that I decided to do 15 days of level 1 and then move to level 2. Will decide after 10 days of level 2 if I want to tackle 5 days of level 3. If still can't do level 2 continuous will stick with it. I definitely like level 2 better than 1 but the planks are extremely hard. Although not as hard as I figured (hope I'm doing them right). Anyway, only 9 days left but will have a 2 day break after day 26 due to taking a mini vacation for the weekend. Will just add 2 days to the end.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Day 1 Lvl 2 in the bag. It was great. I had a much better time of it that the 1st time I shredded. I still had trouble with the planks and had to take a break or 2, but I was not screaming in agony this time. Looking forward to doing again.

    Great job everyone, your all doing so well.
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Well done everyone we are doing brilliantly, day 17 down :bigsmile:
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Level 1 complete and will start 2 tomorrow. Im not even sneaking a peek, not sure I really want to know what Im in for! I guess it will be a surprise! lol My calves are my favorite part of my body right now...Im thinking they look really good, to me anyway. There is nice definition for sure. :smile: