Squeezyweezy Member


  • That is great advice, I am doing the same as Caroline for that very reason. I am a big girl, but I want to loose weight and tone up at the same time.
  • Amazing pics everyone. I am a TRUE cat lover. I have an 18month old tabby called Ziggy, but I have no idea how to put pics up on my reply! Although he is my avatar and on my ticker! xxx
  • Hey you. I totally get where you are coming from with these slumps you're having. I have eaten nothing but crap since Thursday, and I am totally digusted in myself. Don't beat yourself up though. The hardest thing is admitting you are doing it, and that is exactly what you have just done. Maybe you need to look at the…
  • Joined in a bit late, sorry tiggersstar. I wish there was a chat function on MFP, it would be so much easier. Love the killers, two door cinema club etc. Also love old school like blur, pulp and stereophonics. I am a nineties chick through and through.
  • Definitley log it all together under cleaning, vigorous. I do it all the time, especially if I am all hot and sweaty after. I once used my HRM while I was cleaning, and you really do burn alot. xx
  • Great idea about keeping a diary. Think I'll get a cheapy notebook from Wilkos
  • Count me in. Think it's a fantastic challenge. I am starting back at the gym on Thursday (1st Sept), so it's perfect timing. It's hard for me to believe I could walk 120 miles, so defo up for the challenge. xx
  • Hi, I have got way over 100 pounds to loose, but I have set myself the goal of 100 first so I don't get too scared and decide I can't do it. Any of you guys that want to add me, please do. I would love the support of someone with similar goals. So far all my friends on MFP are really near to target, or in my eyes already…
  • I am a huge comfort eater hun, so I know how you feel. You can't let this little (and it is little) blip get the better of you. You made the first and biggest step by deciding to get healthy and join MFP, that is a huge decision to make. You lost 3lbs which is amazing, and you can loose so much more. Don't think of this as…
  • That is fabulous. So inspiring. I started a week ago, tipping the scales at nearly 25st!! Can't wait to get into the 23's. Well done xx
    in 23's! Comment by Squeezyweezy June 2011