

  • That is AWESOME!! Great job, you look fantastic!
  • I was at 210 this time last year. I'm currently at a plateau of 188 but WAS down to 178 before the holidays happened. Now I'm back on my detoxifying products, working on a better diet, and am headed BACK toward my goal of 155 (I'm 5.6).
  • I am in the homeland security field, plus I am a Deputy Coroner for my county. Last summer I became a Distributor for It Works Global which comprises of 100% natural botanical products that help the body to detoxify. I LOVE the products and how they help people to feel and look better!!
  • Where is it broken? Meaning what location on your leg? I have a severely sprained ankle and my physical therapist said I could still do upper body, core, and lower body exercises such as leg curls, leg lifts, etc. Of course I can't do deep lunges or squats, but I am allowed some weight bearing as long as I have my brace…
  • Welcome to MFP! I started my journey last year and dropped 28 pounds. Got off track around the holidays and have put about 10 back on so I'm back to get things rolling again. I too am looking to others for support and motivation when I seem to be struggling. I tend to get frustrated because I can't just drop the weight…
  • Breadsticks with cheese...definitely my weakness!
  • I too just started back...was on here last year and was getting great results, only to do my normal thing and slack off once I started doing better. Low and behold the same thing happened that always happens...I gained back what I had lost. It's funny how just making myself accountable for logging everything I eat and the…
  • I work out with my friend/trainer because she helps make me accountable to be there. I like my time to "zone out" too, but until I get the workouts turned into a habit then I won't keep myself motivated alone. I love having a workout buddy to motivate me and push me when I want to cheat too...and yes, I am a cheater...LOL!
  • I have this same issue but have found that if I don't have the unhealthy snacks in the house that helps a TON! I've also found that if I have healthier snacks such as grapes, apples, bananas, peanut butter, etc. out and readily available I'm much more inclined to have those instead of the bad things.
  • If I ever eat under my calorie goal I receive a message that says I should be consuming at least "1200" calories (or whatever it may be for my fitness goals). By not consuming the minimum your body could potentially go into "starvation" mode and your metabolism will slow, thus slowing the body from processing fat. I…
  • In a lot of ways I'm right there with you. Not so much the getting up 100 times, but more-so just being able to find the motivation to not just sit around when I could be up doing something that I can count toward my exercise for the day. I need people to push me and keep me accountable and I get that for sure 3 times a…