

  • Coming from Florida where we get this kind of thing regularly: Soups on a camp stove. Tasty, low cal. Stock up on things like trail mix that don't need refrigeration but have protein to keep you going. Water is always good, and protein shakes can be made with that, right?
  • I deconstruct healthy chicken burritos with the rice, beans and chicken, then nuke the "inside" of the burrito at work and put it in a wrap for a quick filling lunch. I do the same thing with sandwiches and wraps, with a side of apple slices or carrots. It's also really tasty to have a good salad prepacked from the night…
  • Think of it this way: Every person who needed to lose 120 pounds needed just as much support for the first 20 lbs as you do with it being your whole goal. 20 lbs is hard! Feel free to friend me and my excessive use of exclamation marks. I'm struggling with my first 20 lbs, so we can lose them together. :)
  • I second the packing of meals -- I work full time in a store where I can't always guarantee when my lunch time will be, and definitely no snacks. So I pack my lunch the night before (I'm NOT a morning person...) and it saves me a few minutes in the morning, which for you could mean time to work out. I also log what I'm…
  • Wow! All of this is making my heart all warm and fuzzy. Thanks guys! :)