kerenjackson06 Member


  • I'm Keren, and I'm just about 8 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. So far, I've had a bit more nausea with this pregnancy. I don't really want veggies or cheese but I'm all over fruit! I really don't want to put on the weight (60 lbs.) that I did with my first, so I'm hoping I can eat healthy portions! Anyone have any advice…
  • It's really difficult to find CHEAP healthy foods, so be sure to check your grocery store ads for the sales and specials on fresh fruit and veggies. It will help you keep abreast of what is in season, which is usually the tastiest and cheapest. I also buy a lot of bagged, frozen veggies that can be steamed in the…
  • Even leisurely swimming burns a TON of calories!
  • A half a pound a week is a really healthy way to lose weight, so don't be down on yourself!
  • My husband and I are trying for #2 now, so I'll be in your boat soon, God willing. Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for people with similar struggles.
  • I just read a feed about this today! You are supposed to make up at least some of those calories; otherwise, your body could go into starvation mode. You should focus more on your net calories at the end of the day.
  • You have probably lost inches in your belly, but without toning the muscles that were stretched out during pregnancy, you won't be able to tell. I have the same issue. I watched a Dr. Oz episode once where he demonstrated an ab technique that doesn't involve crunches. He got on the ground on his belly, raised up on his…
  • Check out these household activities that burn calories. You probably do these anyways, but knowing they are mild exercise may encourage you to do more!