mexigrl64 Member


  • I will never be less than 150 lbs :( I have been looking at my food intake the last few days and I am really doing great - sticking with about 1000-1100 good quality calories per day. I've cut my carb intake down to less than 100 gms per day, which is a HUGE difference from my previous intake (which was almost all carbs).…
  • I'm having trouble getting enough calories - that makes sense that I need more. Unfortunately, for me, I'm not a veggie eater although I am trying to squeeze a few in here and there. Here was yesterday: Breakfast - 10 Almonds, 1 snack size cheddar/monterrey jack low fat cheese, 1/2 cottage cheese (low fat) - Green Iced Tea…
  • I'm sure this is funny for us to read - but likely not for the poor person with this issue, can you imagine? Very often people with IBS or Crohn's Disease will have symptoms similar to this. Crohn's disease is no joke, it is painful and embarassing. I feel very sorry for anyone that has to go through something like this,…
  • I'm stil in Phase 1 but am giving in and eating cereal in the morning - Kashi Go Lean, but I think the All Bran is better so I'll buy that. I ate it 2 days ago and finally went ;-) Again 2 days and nothing...even with all the Fiber Supplements and the stool softeners. I hate the idea of laxatives, a friend who is a nurse…
  • What about something like Dreamfields pasta - I don't understand how they start off at 42 carbs and get down to less than 10. It just seems suspect. However, if it is the real deal then it would be great to have pasta!
  • I get confused with Atkins vs SBD - there doesn't seem to be an exact amount but the SBD allows you much higher "good" carbs where Atkins just allows almost none to start. It would be incorrect to say someone couldn't have the Kashi Go Lean on a low-carb diet - it depends which diet they are on. The SBD allows all sorts of…
  • Thanks for all the ideas - looking at the SBD it looks like most of those won't work for Phase 1 but will be great once I get to Phase 2 and 3. I'm sure I'm just like everyone else that starts a low carb diet and I'm looking ahead at 2-3 weeks of just eggs for breakfast and thinking - "no way I can do this" :( I like the…
  • Hi, I started dieting kind of on my own this week, trying to really cut back on carbs. I just found the SBD info and I think that I'll start on that this week (once I get to the grocery store). My only concern (and I'm sure it's the concern of most people on the lower carb diets) is breakfast. I can eat eggs once in a…