min531 Member


  • Thanks everyone. I actually hate breakfast for the most part so I don't eat it. I agree about calories burned during exercise being an estimate so I usually don't eat them back either. I already know my macros and calories and all that. I was just curious as to what others do. I really only eat when I'm hungry so if I'm…
  • Not gonna lie, I may or may not have splurged and ate like total crap knowing that tomorrow I have to set it on open-diary lol. Don't judge me! ;)
    in "Rules" Comment by min531 June 2014
  • Hey! I am 5'4 and was about 140 - 142 after having my kids. I want to change that and change my lifestyle. Goals: Get down to 120 - 125 (currently between 132 - 135) Start eating healthier Tone up and get stronger Motivation: My husband and kids to be honest. Before I had kids I weighed about 110 and was super out of…
  • This was the same doctor I had with my son, and I adore them and I think they are just more laid back and want you to enjoy things as well, but this is something we can't agree on. I'm going to see what happens at my next appointment. If it's the same situation I will have to see what I can do. I mean I enjoy myself some…
  • Name: Mindy Hubby/Partner: Jimmy How many kids do you have: This is our second Due Date: October 9th, 2012 Do you know the gender: Baby girl :-D Have you picked out the baby's name: Yeap, at least for now it's Willow. Where do you live: Colorado Springs. Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Running and weight machines.…