

  • Body glide is a must in my exercise/running bag. My thunder thighs never have chafing now that I use it. Prevent the friction may help . Also I always cover the effect areas by wearing snug fitting clothing ie spandex longer running shorts/pants. Also wondering if some bloodwork or a swab for culture should be done.
  • I am overweight and love yoga. I try to compete against me. Balance poses are my favourite. I have learned to focus on my success re the pose only. I try very hard not to look at others or compare.. Also finding that spot on the floor to look at while concentrating on MY pose has certainly helped me succeed and gain…
  • Any type of body movement is burning calories.....oh ya you also burn calories by laying on the couch/ sleeping. I believe setting a time aside for you.....not daughter... Or Husband just for you to change your lifestyle, by focusing on being healthy, fit, and happy is a positive step. I would put down half of the time…
  • :smile:
  • Yes , Sounds great! What is it and where do you get it?
  • Thank you for sharing. You are an inspiration. IT CAN be DONE!
    in NSV!! Comment by releame June 2011
  • I have just began and I'm really hooked. This is right for me. Good luck to you.
    in Hello Comment by releame June 2011
  • I see some red flags here. What is your goal weight? What do you think would look good for you? Do you feel over weight at 132lbs? How is your dieting, lack of continued wt loss effecting your life. How often do you think of calories, weight loss and lack of success? Ask yourself these questions. Take care of you. Sorry…
  • Are you familiar with the Running Room Book by John Stanton? For my 50th birthday gift to me , I ran a half marathon. I followed the training for this using his scheduling in the book. What a great experience it was. There were many walk/running. Also google for runs in your area. There may be one in Aug Sept that you can…
  • I love your reward system Hmm I need to do this. Go Girl!!
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