Weight doesn't want to budge, need new goals - join me?

So I have been fixated for what seems like forever on getting to under 130lb, or at least 130lb. But I just hover around 132lb. It's not a bad weight, it's an okay weight, I am 5'10" I have had 4 pregnancies and 3 kids in the last 6 years, I'm not fat, I eat clean and well, I am fairly fit. And yet it bugs me and makes me miserable (not always, but quite often) that I can't see the number I want to see on the scale.

So. Time to get some new goals and new focus and stop making myself crazy and unhappy. With this in mind I aim to

1. Exercise off at least 300 cals each day
2. Focus on how I look/ how my clothes fit rather than a random number
3. Have one day a week when I just enjoy being and eating with my family and don't obsess about calories (without going crazy, of course)
4. Only weigh myself once a week, on Saturday. No sneaking in a panic weigh-in on a Monday!
5. Try to cut back on caffeine and gum. It ain't pretty and it shouldn't be a food substitute.

anyone else have any similar goals or issues? want to join me or be friends?


  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    Great start!

    what will help more is to cut back on sugar, ESPECIALLY refined sugar. I tried to see your diary but it is not open, so I cant help you more with suggestions on what you can do better.

    If you focus on your FITNESS rather than your weight loss you will automatically become fitter, more toned, and lose weight as an extra bonus. I dont bother trying to lose weight anymore just worry about how fit I am.

    I have done that with the last 5kg that I have lost (I'm in sydney so i'm kilos over here as you know!) and its just fallen off, but the greater win is how fit I am, and the fact that I am 36 but my bio age is 25.
  • cuerpito
    cuerpito Posts: 65 Member
    I'm sorry but do you truly think that it's an "ok weight"? You're 3 pounds from being underweight when it comes to BMI. I realize that it's not the perfect index but you really don't need to lose any weight - you're in the low end of healthy weight for your height.
  • kellywaller1
    kellywaller1 Posts: 101
    i am also stuck on 136 scales not moving:(
  • BastaConLaPasta
    oh hey! another sydneysider ;-) I've made my diary public now - please do check it, would appreciate the input. I don't think sugar is my problem, I don't eat carbs at all really and don't have any sugar in tea and coffee ...
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    your diary was always closed so i never commented. omgsh your fat is way under :( try incorporating healthy fats into your diet. you can search up "risks of a low fat diet" and it'll show you why you need fat. i see you're eating around 10-20g fat and you should be striving to aim for what MFP sets or 20-30% of your daily intake. you're not netting much also so maybe that's why your weight won't budge.

    this is a great post:

  • releame
    releame Posts: 10
    I see some red flags here.

    What is your goal weight?
    What do you think would look good for you? Do you feel over weight at 132lbs?
    How is your dieting, lack of continued wt loss effecting your life.
    How often do you think of calories, weight loss and lack of success?
    Ask yourself these questions.

    Take care of you.
    Sorry this is the nurse in me.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I have had a look at your diary and I think you need some different goals to the ones you are setting.

    I am exactly the same height (5'10") and am currently healthy, fit and a good weight of 71kg (156.2 pounds)

    I am allowing myself to drop to 68kg (149.6 pounds) due to the fact that it is still safely bmi for me, plus it will help me run faster in my half marathon coming up.

    Anything lower than that, in my opinion, is too low.

    I think your new goals should include:
    - improving your breakfast - you are not eating enough (less than 200 calories most days) plus limited protein. You need to fuel your body better at the start which will in turn give you more energy and make you feel better about yourself.
    - increase your food intake to fuel your body. I personally know that I feel atrocious when I havent eaten enough and I am disappointed in myself. With the training I do I regularly eat 2000 calories a day - I find that I maintain well on that and with the right kind of calories and right amount of training I lose weight at a steady and healthy pace.
    - i actually think that you would be better off with another goal - you are exercising regularly, not heavily but regularly, and you say you are fairly fit. Why not train for a 10km or something like that (and obviously eat to fuel your body. Your body is a MACHINE and there is no point filling your car with water now is there?)
    - learn to love life more. I am not sure why you are disappointed in yourself, you seem to have a wonderful life with a happy, healthy family based on your photo. Perhaps you need to look at WHAT is causing the issues with yourself, as they are certainly not caused by eating badly, with the exception of perhaps not eating enough.

    Im not the kind of person to say "hey your too thin - put on weight" but im also not the kind of person who will unrealistically support somebody who appears to have issues that are based in your mind. I will never say "way to go" on a diary that is too little or full of crap food like many here.

    You need to decide what you want to do. If you keep dropping weight you will function poorly, you will not train very well, and you potentially can become what is known as a "skinny fat person". Try getting some muscle on, getting fitter and you will feel amazing. Trust me, Im testament to it.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    I have had a look at your diary and I think you need some different goals to the ones you are setting.

    I am exactly the same height (5'10") and am currently healthy, fit and a good weight of 71kg (156.2 pounds)

    I am allowing myself to drop to 68kg (149.6 pounds) due to the fact that it is still safely bmi for me, plus it will help me run faster in my half marathon coming up.

    Anything lower than that, in my opinion, is too low.

    I think your new goals should include:
    - improving your breakfast - you are not eating enough (less than 200 calories most days) plus limited protein. You need to fuel your body better at the start which will in turn give you more energy and make you feel better about yourself.
    - increase your food intake to fuel your body. I personally know that I feel atrocious when I havent eaten enough and I am disappointed in myself. With the training I do I regularly eat 2000 calories a day - I find that I maintain well on that and with the right kind of calories and right amount of training I lose weight at a steady and healthy pace.
    - i actually think that you would be better off with another goal - you are exercising regularly, not heavily but regularly, and you say you are fairly fit. Why not train for a 10km or something like that (and obviously eat to fuel your body. Your body is a MACHINE and there is no point filling your car with water now is there?)
    - learn to love life more. I am not sure why you are disappointed in yourself, you seem to have a wonderful life with a happy, healthy family based on your photo. Perhaps you need to look at WHAT is causing the issues with yourself, as they are certainly not caused by eating badly, with the exception of perhaps not eating enough.

    Im not the kind of person to say "hey your too thin - put on weight" but im also not the kind of person who will unrealistically support somebody who appears to have issues that are based in your mind. I will never say "way to go" on a diary that is too little or full of crap food like many here.

    You need to decide what you want to do. If you keep dropping weight you will function poorly, you will not train very well, and you potentially can become what is known as a "skinny fat person". Try getting some muscle on, getting fitter and you will feel amazing. Trust me, Im testament to it.

    you're awesome. great suggestions ♥
  • BastaConLaPasta
    aw, thanks - I do really appreciate you taking the time to reply and to make valuable suggestions, but I must confess that they are not right for me. I think there's looking good for fitness and looking good for fashion, and it's definitely the latter that I hold dear (the 2 girls, Natalie and Anita, in the Jillian Michaels, workout, I can see they look good but I also think they look huge and I would never be happy to look like that). Anything over 60ish kg is definitely way heavier than I could feel comfortable with, 57ish would be ideal.

    As I said, thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to reply. I will definitely look into incorporating some good fats into my diet.

    Thanks again :smile:
  • snickers14
    snickers14 Posts: 21
    I am also a bit stuck. I'm currently 143 and would like to get down to 133 (I'm 5'7). I find that if I work hard I can get my weight down to around 140 but then it just won't budge and I end up going back to 143 again.

    I know that cutting bread works for me and I lose a tonne of weight quickly but it is not sustainable and as soon as I eat bread again I gain that weight back again.

    So I am def keen to join you with your new goals!