tinkphoenix Member


  • After a year of being on Shakeology and being very happy with the results, I decided maybe I should out and check out some of this other stuff that was being mentioned. It's not that I haven't tried some it before, but I never saw the same results I have with Shakeology, so I thought maybe I had the wrong combination.…
  • At least I can say I attempted to answer your questions, so people can quit thinking there is some sort of avoidance to the questions raised: Shakeology is manufactured in a facility that is registered with the FDA, adheres to current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is GMP-Certified by the NSF (National Science…
  • yeah, add fuel to the fire. I could write a discertation on the quality ingredients in the product and you still wouldn't believe it. Whatever... The fact is that it works. Period. Would you like to explain to me the chemical ingredients that are being thrown out and explain why you should care if the product works? I have…
  • It is manufactured in a GMP facility. You are asking questions that you know most people won't be able to answer to make them look stupid. It's not defensiveness. It's silliness. I can't believe I have wasted this much time on the conversation.
  • Thank you for basing your decision on experience with the product! :) It certainly doesn't work for everyone, but at least you speak from experience
  • No...you do love to twist things, don't you..."normal people" don't know what NSF Certification Guideline 306 is or GMP requirements in NSF/ANSI blahblahblah.... Nor does that particular information have relevance to them and the usefulness of the product. When you go into GNC and buy a supplement, do you ask them that…
  • would you like me to send you the documentation on where they come from? I know the answers, but writing a book report when the resources are available elsewhere is ridiculous...
  • Actually I could respond to most of those questions, but it's obvious it was just thrown up there to make someone sound really smart and cool and like the people that take the product don't know what they're taking. Most of it bears no relevance on the "normal" consumer. And where does half of it even come from? Are you a…
  • So you assume that because Best Buy and the now non-existent Circuit don't pay sales commissions, that's the way all sales operate? That's outright silly and you know it. Actually, the sad fact is that it has NOTHING to do with the business model. It is the statistic of America. Look of the stats on how quickly most new…
  • That's not even true. In most MLMs, commissions will only get paid through 3 levels and usually at least one of those other levels has a hand in sale beside the one doing the selling. I have had many a 3-way phone call, webinar, meetings, etc. with 3 levels or more. MLM is not about recruiting and abandoning. You have to…
  • Ok, first that was the first time I even said "it works for me." Second, I don't believe anyone has posted any valid points. Only those that haven't tried it aren't convinced of its value...to me, that's not a good why. And "markup" is not a valid why. Here, if it helps, I will give you my friend's success stories (I never…
  • 1) I accept markups as a natural part of life. They are what provide jobs, put people to work, create businesses. 2) I don't care about the markup (no one really should) - I care about the VALUE to ME. For me, Shakeology has worked miracles. I still eat healthy and educate myself on good nutrition, but I love the shake and…
  • Ok, go do that, let us all know how it turns out and compares and then sell us YOUR shake.
  • Sure. Whats the difference? i don't feel any better about 1000% markup on diamonds as I do about it on my food or furniture...
  • The question is on markup...everyone is dogging markup! The analogy is perfectly valid!
  • So is a $2000 tv a pretty good indication of a markup? Or how about a $2000 mattress versus a $500 - more markup? Or is it worth it for the better quality? Have you attempted to go out and buy all of the individual ingredients in Shakeology and put them together on your own and see how well you do? Even buy pills and stuff…
  • So is a $2000 tv a pretty good indication of a markup? Or how about a $2000 mattress versus a $500 - more markup? Or is it worth it for the better quality? Have you attempted to go out and buy all of the individual ingredients in Shakeology and put them together on your own and see how well you do? Even buy pills and stuff…
  • And you know this because you are an expert in how much stores markup their products versus MLMs? have you research, a paper, a model, an article? Or is this just based on your ASSUMPTION of how the model works?
  • That's $120 a month for one meal a day. I can spend $120 on a weeks worth of groceries for 3. What's the better investment?
  • I use this site all the time, but am also starting an workout accountability program. It will include fitness, nutrition, and accountability. Feel free to email me for details. You will not fail! Make failure not an option!