


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    All I'm getting from the "coach"s argument is that her sales-targets are those that are under-educated in nutrition.

    That REALLY makes it sound like a scam.

    yeah, add fuel to the fire. I could write a discertation on the quality ingredients in the product and you still wouldn't believe it. Whatever... The fact is that it works. Period. Would you like to explain to me the chemical ingredients that are being thrown out and explain why you should care if the product works? I have a headache. DONE DONE DONE.

    Oh, I'm so sorry for inconveniencing you. I forgot I wasn't allowed to have an opinion.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    My quote didn't post, don't want to retype it.
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    At least I can say I attempted to answer your questions, so people can quit thinking there is some sort of avoidance to the questions raised:
    1. Is shakeology manufactured in a facility meeting the following complience standards?
    NSF Certification Guideline 306
    NSF GMP Registration Policies
    GMP requirements in NSF/ANSI Standard 173 Section 8
    NNfA GMP Certified

    Shakeology is manufactured in a facility that is registered with the FDA, adheres to current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is GMP-Certified by the NSF (National Science Foundation) and the NPA (Natural Products Association).
    2. Can you provide any 3rd party COAs for shakeolgy?

    I believe there are some listed on the site, but I have also requested them directly from the company.
    3. Since shakeology is a MRP, why does it not use slower digesting proteins such as micellar casein or a blend of proteins?

    Shakeology is not exclusive a MRP. Many of us that use it, use it as nutritional supplement and sometime a post-workout recovery meal. There are many studies on the benefits of whey protein isolate in this case.
    4. Shakeolgy is touted as low GI certified, what relavance does that have to the avg person and why are their shakeology recipes on the site which would then change the GI of the shake?

    GI doesn’t have relevance to the “average” person, but that’s not what you actually care about is it. Because, referring to the above use of guidelines and standards, also has no bearing on the “average person;” however, to answer your question, the GI is placed on the site to show how little the sugar in Shakeology actually affects your blood sugar. Some people also follow a GI diet, so they should know the starting point. It is also relevant to people like diabetics, who, by the way, are a large market for Shakeology.

    The recipes are provided for people who like to change up the taste of their shake and don’t necessarily concern themselves with GI. It’s nice to be able to change flavors if you’re not apart of the small population that worries about GI.
    5. Why does it use cyanocobalmin instead of methylcobalin?

    I honestly have never researched the manufacturing of the vitamin B12 and I don’t know the answer to this question. I know that over history, the former has been the more commonly used version of B12, but I would have to ask better authorities than myself on the subject.
    6. why does it use only the alpha from of tocophenyl instead of a full spectrum of tocerpherols and tocotrienols (alpha, beta, delta, gamma)?

    Once again, I am not a scientist and have not studied the manufacturing of Vitamin E. This is what I came up, however:
    "All of these compounds have the same chemical formula (same amount and ratio of atoms) just in slightly different arrangements (called isoforms.) To simplify, instead of listing out each and every isoform, we refer to these compounds collectively, as "vitamin E." The most predominant molecule in the vitamin E family is alpha-tocopherol, and most of the time, when one says "tocopherol," they are referring to alpha-tocopherol."
    7. why does it use plain niacin instead of inositol hexanicotinate?

    Studies that I have found have actually indicated IH as a less effective form of niacin.
    8. why does it use just beta catrotene instead of both alpha and beta carotenes?

    Previously answered - but alpha-carotene is the most abundant of all carotenoids in the N.A. diet.
    9. according to the marketing material shakeolgy "Shakeology was specially formulated for the collection of ingredients to work together like a symphony" can you provide any peer reviewed researching showing that all the compounds esp in the prop blends work synergistically and are in the proper amounts? Just off the top of my head i know that zinc depends on copper for optimum utilization, optimally in a 10 to 1 ratio (shakeology has a 7.5:1 ratio, which may lead to the suppression of copper-based antioxidant enzymes)

    Previously answered- but the danger of copper toxicity. Copper comes in many other things in our diet and this is not designed to replace an entire days worth of food.
    10. since there is an abundant use of prop blends, how can i tell if all the extra ingredients are in their optimal dosages that have shown benefits to humans or just label filler?

    Previously answered - prop blends are an industry standard. It actually does tell you how much is in there of each blend, it just doesn’t tell you how much of each ingredient (would you give away your secrets if you had a difficult to duplicate product?)

    On a side note, comparing this product to HCG is ludicrous. HCG is a fad and doesn’t work. If it worked, you wouldn’t have to restrict your calories to 500 a day and starve yourself. Shakeology promotes a healthy, sustained lifestyle, not crash dieting.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    I have read alot of reviews and Ideal Shape is recommended for taste and is still a healthy meal replacement shake. I have not tried Shakeology, but have read that alot of people didnt like the texture.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I want t o know why Acg67 is so against it. Like why do you go out of your way to put it down? Seems to me things I think are silly I just don't use or just post why I don't use it and move on. I wouldnt spend the better part of my day dissuading people about it. Sounds like jealous little sibling.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    At least I can say I attempted to answer your questions, so people can quit thinking there is some sort of avoidance to the questions raised:

    and thank you for at attempting to answer the questions to the best or your ability, which i commend seeing as i've seen a bunch of coaches push shakeolgy yet not even try to answer any of the questions

    "Shakeology is not exclusive a MRP. Many of us that use it, use it as nutritional supplement and sometime a post-workout recovery meal. There are many studies on the benefits of whey protein isolate in this case."

    Yet it's advertised as the healthiest meal of the day, and while some may use it pwo, it still does not make much sense for something advertised as a MRP to use the fast digesting whey for satiety purposes. And if whey was included for it's pwo benefits, then why not hyrdo whey? As it turns out both hyrdo whey and micellar casein are more expensive

    "the GI is placed on the site to show how little the sugar in Shakeology actually affects your blood sugar. Some people also follow a GI diet, so they should know the starting point. "

    only if drank isocalorically and in a fasted state, which is how GI is determined.

    "I honestly have never researched the manufacturing of the vitamin B12 and I don’t know the answer to this question. I know that over history, the former has been the more commonly used version of B12, but I would have to ask better authorities than myself on the subject."

    you are correct that cyanocobalamin has seen a rise in it's use do to it's cheaper cost, however the coenzyme form (methylcobalamin) seems to have numerous benefits over cyanocobalamin. Also cyanocobalamin is not found in nature despite the shakeo marketing material claiming all it's ingredients are all natural

    "Once again, I am not a scientist and have not studied the manufacturing of Vitamin E. This is what I came up, however: "

    i referenced studies earlier showing supplemental alpha tocopherol lowering plasma levels of gamma tocopherol. coincidentally lower CVD risk has been correlated with higher levels of gamma not alpha tocopherol

    "Previously answered - prop blends are an industry standard. It actually does tell you how much is in there of each blend, it just doesn’t tell you how much of each ingredient (would you give away your secrets if you had a difficult to duplicate product?)"

    So there is no way to tell if many of the ingredients are simply label filler and put in dosages that will work "in symphony with each other"? But i do agree many companies do use prop blends and i do beleive you would find many prop blends simply have ingredients listed as label filler and not anywhere near the proper dosages

    "On a side note, comparing this product to HCG is ludicrous. HCG is a fad and doesn’t work. If it worked, you wouldn’t have to restrict your calories to 500 a day and starve yourself. Shakeology promotes a healthy, sustained lifestyle, not crash dieting. "

    my only point was that you said who cares about anything i asked since ShakeO "works", and while people who do the HCG protocol do lose weight, it's due to the caloric restriction not HCG drops. But does that mean no one should be able to question HCG because it "works"? And is it possible ShakeO "works", but it's due to the paired exercise program and overall better diet and in reality ShakeO makes no discernible difference?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,717 Member
    At least I can say I attempted to answer your questions, so people can quit thinking there is some sort of avoidance to the questions raised:

    and thank you for at attempting to answer the questions to the best or your ability, which i commend seeing as i've seen a bunch of coaches push shakeolgy yet not even try to answer any of the questions
    "Shakeology is not exclusive a MRP. Many of us that use it, use it as nutritional supplement and sometime a post-workout recovery meal. There are many studies on the benefits of whey protein isolate in this case."
    Yet it's advertised as the healthiest meal of the day, and while some may use it pwo, it still does not make much sense for something advertised as a MRP to use the fast digesting whey for satiety purposes. And if whey was included for it's pwo benefits, then why not hyrdo whey? As it turns out both hyrdo whey and micellar casein are more expensive
    "the GI is placed on the site to show how little the sugar in Shakeology actually affects your blood sugar. Some people also follow a GI diet, so they should know the starting point. "
    only if drank isocalorically and in a fasted state, which is how GI is determined.
    "I honestly have never researched the manufacturing of the vitamin B12 and I don’t know the answer to this question. I know that over history, the former has been the more commonly used version of B12, but I would have to ask better authorities than myself on the subject."
    you are correct that cyanocobalamin has seen a rise in it's use do to it's cheaper cost, however the coenzyme form (methylcobalamin) seems to have numerous benefits over cyanocobalamin. Also cyanocobalamin is not found in nature despite the shakeo marketing material claiming all it's ingredients are all natural
    "Once again, I am not a scientist and have not studied the manufacturing of Vitamin E. This is what I came up, however: "
    i referenced studies earlier showing supplemental alpha tocopherol lowering plasma levels of gamma tocopherol. coincidentally lower CVD risk has been correlated with higher levels of gamma not alpha tocopherol
    "Previously answered - prop blends are an industry standard. It actually does tell you how much is in there of each blend, it just doesn’t tell you how much of each ingredient (would you give away your secrets if you had a difficult to duplicate product?)"
    So there is no way to tell if many of the ingredients are simply label filler and put in dosages that will work "in symphony with each other"? But i do agree many companies do use prop blends and i do beleive you would find many prop blends simply have ingredients listed as label filler and not anywhere near the proper dosages
    "On a side note, comparing this product to HCG is ludicrous. HCG is a fad and doesn’t work. If it worked, you wouldn’t have to restrict your calories to 500 a day and starve yourself. Shakeology promotes a healthy, sustained lifestyle, not crash dieting. "
    my only point was that you said who cares about anything i asked since ShakeO "works", and while people who do the HCG protocol do lose weight, it's due to the caloric restriction not HCG drops. But does that mean no one should be able to question HCG because it "works"? And is it possible ShakeO "works", but it's due to the paired exercise program and overall better diet and in reality ShakeO makes no discernible difference?
    [/quote]Separated quotes for you.
  • gooteek
    You are wasting your time with Acg67. He poses as an expert as a trainer in a gym and makes a number of claims about what beachbody,, and really everyone else that does not subscribe to his little gym gospel is vomiting all over good people that like and use beachbody products. I have offered to let him talk to dietitians that are also beachbody coach friends of mine (people that are certified), but he would rather just berate others and drive down Shakeology with half truths and outright lies on what is and is not done with these products. Anyone can pose as an expert and I am not one either, but I know people that are and can dispel his crap....but he does not want that, it gets in the way of his little hidden agenda.

    If you really want to know the truth, contact me and I will give you the contact information for a real expert...not a blog basher like Acg67. And just to qualify that...just go to his site...follow his blogs and note how much he attacks people that do not go along with the crap he is throwing around...then go to real certified experts.
  • gooteek
    Real simple fact Acg67 want to avoid and shove under the carpet. puts Shakeology at 97% food value...way above what he is telling people to use. Shakeology is CERTIFIED to be a low 24 on the glycemic index and is backed by the co-founder cardiologist that created the artificial heart (not a gym rat with ego issues). Acg67 poses as someone that has been to beachbody and checked out how they put together their product and acts as if they are lying with what they propose. The truth of the matter, he really has not done anything one way or another to VALIDATE his claims...he just likes making them.

    I have two friends that have their PhD as dietitians that also are beachbody coaches (not a sin to share what works for you with others and once you really learn about beachbody you will find they don't make enough to be doing it for those reasons). Anyone that wants REAL facts from a CERTIFIED doctor, I will be happy to set up a call with them. Unlike Acg67, I will not pretend to be the "know all, end all" expert and actually be humble enough to pass you to someone that is an expert.

    70% of your fitness success is diet, Shakeology is only a part of the solution, exercise is also an intricate part. Anyone that tells you they have the quick fix is just lying to you. It takes the dedicated diet (without all the chemicals and processing found in many products).

    Whey is also a suitable protein, but not necessarily the best for everyone. Beachbody understands this and has a Vegan shakeology coming out this February that eliminates the Whey emphasis. For the ignorant argument that beachbody is just in it for the money I would ask you to show me one company that would make a product with the goal to become bankrupt? Only a moron would pose that argument (and has). The "you only get what you pay for" applies...yes you can find cheaper methods, but on close inspection you will find they are chemically made or processed and simply not power foods. If you have the time to grow and harvest your own foods and assure they are of top quality, do that. For my busy lifestyle, I will go with what has been proven to work, both through my experience and the hordes of other success stories on You Tube and other Internet sites, not to mention my coach that got me into this and lost 180 lbs.. Like I said, Acg67, I trust real results from people I know, a product backed up by hundreds of normal people of which many are doctors and professional....sorry one gym trainer with ego issues does not shake the facts or validation process I have.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Real simple fact Acg67 want to avoid and shove under the carpet. puts Shakeology at 97% food value.

    (Verbose whining snipped)

    Please define "food value". This term is scientifically meaningless. (as is the rest of your rant)
  • gooteek
    Wow that is funny. EVERYONE, simply look at his and Acg67's profile and you will understand. They are promoting It is easy to attack an industry success to get the attention you need to promote your own much smaller business interest. Nice! They get paid for people using their site by their advertisers...don't allow them to trick you into thinking anything else...they are in it to promote themselves. Unlike those supporting Shakeology, they are hiding their agenda. I tell people I am a coach as other coaches do, I believe in the product, so I do not need hidden agendas and being a coach was not a get rich scheme for me, it was to be able to share what works for me while saving a little money on the products for my efforts. NO ONE that I have shared it with has had anything but great results and are thankful I brought this to them. I make people discount coaches when this happens to save them money (I would make more if I simply sold the product to them) and that means I do not get money from signing them as I would if I just sold them the product outright. I do not do this for the money, I believe in helping others with getting the same results I have seen. Our coach group has over 1500 people, people just like me that I can turn to daily for support, I get validation from real experts and people with greater knowledge than my own any time I need it. I recently dug into the whole MLM part of the business after hearing so many people bashing on MLMs. I understand how MLMs work a little better, but can tell you that is not what drove my decisions and doesn't change my commitment to what I know about this product. In the words of Tony Horton, "Do your best, forget the rest", I choose to stick with Shakeology and P90X (sorry, maybe one day you'll be a Tony Horton...but it is not today).
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Wow that is funny. EVERYONE, simply look at his and Acg67's profile and you will understand. They are promoting


    So you're not only relying on Ad Hominem, but you have to resort to flat out lying?

    Please point to a single post of mine where I promoted that douche.

    You still didn't answer the question.
  • gooteek
    or which you are trying to promote as you bash Shakeology to get everyone's attention. They have a nice challenge on their site that will cost only $9.99 a month....but I am sure you are not doing any of this for money as you accuse others of are you???

    You are wasting your time with Acg67. He poses as an expert as a trainer in a gym and makes a number of claims about what beachbody,, and really everyone else that does not subscribe to his little gym gospel is vomiting all over good people that like and use beachbody products. I have offered to let him talk to dietitians that are also beachbody coach friends of mine (people that are certified), but he would rather just berate others and drive down Shakeology with half truths and outright lies on what is and is not done with these products. Anyone can pose as an expert and I am not one either, but I know people that are and can dispel his crap....but he does not want that, it gets in the way of his little hidden agenda.

    If you really want to know the truth, contact me and I will give you the contact information for a real expert...not a blog basher like Acg67.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    or which you are trying to promote as you bash Shakeology

    I like how you make up stuff.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    or which you are trying to promote as you bash Shakeology

    I like how you make up stuff.

    It's simple logic:

    Acg67's avatar is shirtless
    Scott Herman is shirtless

    Therefore Acf67 is promoting Scott Herman.

    I think this guy has spent so much time listening to clowns like Tony Horten that the muscle confusion has spread to his brain.
  • gooteek
    I am not hiding and bashing others on every blog post as the people are. I did not mention you in my post at any point...sorry if you are feeling defensive when you were not even part of the post. I share what works for me, so when I got the Acg67 attack, as he has done to so many on here, I wanted to be sure everyone understood what motivates him to do is not what he proposes. As is usually the case, people bash good products knowing it will bring attention to themsleves. A very successful product like Shakeology and a highly successful business like beachbody is an easy target for him. At the end of the day, it will still stand head and shoulders above the hidden agendas of people like Acg67.

    The truth does not need to is always right in your face. People, talk to those who have used the product and seen results, not people that just like to criticize the big name successes. An important note, you will not see the before picture of Acg67 being 50+ pounds overweight and then him losing it all with his solution....Google "Gregg Bird transformation", "Tommy Mygrant Transformation", "June Warner Transformation"...these are people I know that have lost lots of weight using beachbody products and each use Shakeology daily. Do not take my word or the word of some gym rat that has never had to really struggle to lose 50, 100, 150 lbs...go with the real life transformations, then start looking at the facts with new eyes!
  • gooteek
    lol, ah No. Try a little experiment like I did....go to his profile, click on his pictures, the site comes up right beside his picture as it does for a few others on here bashing Shakeology....not a difficult concept to put together. Sorry you are finding it a challenge.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    lol, ah No. Try a little experiment like I did....go to his profile, click on his pictures, the site comes up right beside his picture as it does for a few others on here bashing Shakeology....not a difficult concept to put together. Sorry you are finding it a challenge.

    You're referring to the banner advertisements on the right side of the screen, which have absolutely NOTHING to do with the person's profile. Right now I see an ad for Ski equipment. I do not Ski, I have never been to the site listed.
