


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I didn't see a problem. It is important to look at it like he said. Causes people to think
    Without these opinions i think more and more people are going to waste their money on this product.
    It is not that it didn't work for us, it is that we know enough about supplements to tell help others.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I am anti-alot of things - miracle shakes (won't name brands here), pills, and eating programs that have no long term success. I, however, do not stalk the message boards for those topics to pound on others who are using them and acheiving results. You can respectfully state your opinion without arguing, bashing, and insulting others. It's just downright rude. If Shakeology didn't work for you - by all means, say that - that's what the thread poster asked for. She didn't ask for bickering and insults.

    Deflect much? I never said that these things won't WORK. I'm saying (as well as others) is once you understand what's inside, you understand that there are cheaper alternatives. These things aren't some super secret miracle elixir.

    Why not discuss the technical aspects and remove your personal opinion from the discussion? That way no one gets hurt. I mean jesus, it's a shake for goodness sake. If someone bashes the whey protein I use, I not going to blow a gasket about it.

    You have blown the gasket. I have just asked you to be respectful. Have a blessed day.

    If I blow a gasket, my replies will be 10x harder than this. It's YOU that can't handle the discussion, deflect the topic when asked for a technical review, decide to leave vs show us how "superior" your product is vs others. If it was clearly that superior, you should be happy to discuss why. Not get upset and leave.

    I don't have to show it being superior. I only said it works for me. That's what the thread is about - does it work for you or not. I am not here for a debate - just stating my experience. You are the person "upset" in this topic.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I didn't see a problem. It is important to look at it like he said. Causes people to think
    Without these opinions i think more and more people are going to waste their money on this product.
    It is not that it didn't work for us, it is that we know enough about supplements to tell help others.

    I can agree = opinions are totally fair! Blasting others for theirs just isn't!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I didn't see a problem. It is important to look at it like he said. Causes people to think
    Without these opinions i think more and more people are going to waste their money on this product.
    It is not that it didn't work for us, it is that we know enough about supplements to tell help others.

    I can agree = opinions are totally fair! Blasting others for theirs just isn't!

    Guess I don't see anyone being rude :] I have some thick skin i think though xD
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I use it, I love it !! I researched it first and it is not just 70 vits and minerals!! it is 70 amazing Superfoods !! You should go find the articles that Oprah Magazine did on it!! Amazing!! I can't even tell you what all it has done for me I Love it!! There is a cheaper version , it is a meal replacement shake, you do 2 a day To lose weight, or 1 a day to maintain what you have lost! By the same makers of P90x So trust me when you know the true benefits of it, at 3-4 bucks a serving it is worth every penny! For what I was spending on smoothies I was making myself, I save. Try to replicate it Your going to spend 42bucks a serving ! So trust me I know I was spending that a week to make mine And not coming close to what amazing and beneficial superfoods I get in Shakeology! TRUE !!

    What 70 superfoods? What is a "superfood"? And who determines a "superfood"? Yes, I've googled. I know what some superfoods are, but the most I can find are around 16 superfoods.

    ETA - interesting quote from Wiki "The term is not in common use by dieticians and nutritional scientists, many of whom dispute the claims made that consuming particular foodstuffs can have the health benefits often claimed by boosters of particular foods or categories of food.[2] There is no legal definition of the term and it has been alleged that this has led to it being misleadingly used as a marketing tool."
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Did someone really post their number on here?! haha

    I drink Shakeology a couple times a week. I don't find the price to be all that expensive really. Sure there are slightly cheaper options out there I guess. But I enjoy Shakeology so I buy it.

    I normally take mine to work or something if I have a busy day. It's cheaper then running to say subway and getting a 6inch sub.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Isn't it like $90-120 a month? I can find better tasting whey and my multi for much cheaper than that xD

    ETA: I think it is quite a big gap in price

    Just my opinion though. If you like it and can afford it then go for it! Some just need to look into what they are buying more though
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I am anti-alot of things - miracle shakes (won't name brands here), pills, and eating programs that have no long term success. I, however, do not stalk the message boards for those topics to pound on others who are using them and acheiving results. You can respectfully state your opinion without arguing, bashing, and insulting others. It's just downright rude. If Shakeology didn't work for you - by all means, say that - that's what the thread poster asked for. She didn't ask for bickering and insults.

    Deflect much? I never said that these things won't WORK. I'm saying (as well as others) is once you understand what's inside, you understand that there are cheaper alternatives. These things aren't some super secret miracle elixir.

    Why not discuss the technical aspects and remove your personal opinion from the discussion? That way no one gets hurt. I mean jesus, it's a shake for goodness sake. If someone bashes the whey protein I use, I not going to blow a gasket about it.

    You have blown the gasket. I have just asked you to be respectful. Have a blessed day.

    If I blow a gasket, my replies will be 10x harder than this. It's YOU that can't handle the discussion, deflect the topic when asked for a technical review, decide to leave vs show us how "superior" your product is vs others. If it was clearly that superior, you should be happy to discuss why. Not get upset and leave.

    I don't have to show it being superior. I only said it works for me. That's what the thread is about - does it work for you or not. I am not here for a debate - just stating my experience. You are the person "upset" in this topic.

    I'm not sure if you understand what we are talking about. Does it work? (again) Probably. Are there cheaper alternatives? Let's see you reply to that. Yes or no please.
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member

    I'm not sure if you understand what we are talking about. Does it work? (again) Probably. Are there cheaper alternatives? Let's see you reply to that. Yes or no please.

    YES it works for me.

    I have used other cheaper/different options without getting my results with Shakeology so I personally don't care what it cost. I like the taste, the energy, the results, and the fact that I don't have to shop for it. That's my choice and I respect that your opinion is opposite. Soooo- have a great day!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    I'm not sure if you understand what we are talking about. Does it work? (again) Probably. Are there cheaper alternatives? Let's see you reply to that. Yes or no please.

    YES it works for me.

    I have used other cheaper/different options without getting my results with Shakeology so I personally don't care what it cost. I like the taste, the energy, the results, and the fact that I don't have to shop for it. That's my choice and I respect that your opinion is opposite. Soooo- have a great day!

    One of those options being? I'l research it.
  • robbie321
    I am anti-alot of things - miracle shakes (won't name brands here), pills, and eating programs that have no long term success. I, however, do not stalk the message boards for those topics to pound on others who are using them and acheiving results. You can respectfully state your opinion without arguing, bashing, and insulting others. It's just downright rude. If Shakeology didn't work for you - by all means, say that - that's what the thread poster asked for. She didn't ask for bickering and insults.
    Thanks sorry I would have responded sooner but i got off!.. Look no one is telling you buy anything!... but i am saying from my experience with shakeology! and my research that it is better than any shake on the market!!! i purchased shakeology and i have had great RESULTS! so if you want to post hey my whey protein shake GOT me results by all means i won't tell you other wise! please don't bicker over something as simple as It's Great. please go somewhere and enjoy your whey protein shake. and smile! :) ..because all is well in my World! loving Shakeology! :)....
  • robbie321

    I'm not sure if you understand what we are talking about. Does it work? (again) Probably. Are there cheaper alternatives? Let's see you reply to that. Yes or no please.

    YES it works for me.

    I have used other cheaper/different options without getting my results with Shakeology so I personally don't care what it cost. I like the taste, the energy, the results, and the fact that I don't have to shop for it. That's my choice and I respect that your opinion is opposite. Soooo- have a great day!
    lol I love this lol .... yea it works i love it, it cost (Because it's great) and the taste is awesome!
  • robbie321
    I joined as a BB coach for the discount on ShakeO. I seriously LOVE this product. ALL OF THE PRODUCTS ARE FOOD and NATURAL. I've have personally not tasted a better product. I've tried them all. There are ingredients in the competitors that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole let alone let my family ingest.

    Just saying.

    Is it pricey? Yes and you GET what you PAY FOR. Educate YOURSELF.

    I started using Shakelogy in July. By September, my results were excellent and I had plenty of energy so I signed up to be a BB coach - for the DISCOUNT of 25% off all products. I use their workout programs, so this totally made sense to me. I am doing TurboFire right now and already have ChaleneExtreme ready to start 1/1/12. I am a believer in the shakes because I FEEL better and I thikn it is a vital key to my success. Since starting back on Shakeoplogy, I am down 43# and 28" (and I didn't start TurboFire until about a month into my Shakeology). I also enjoy the taste (I have tried a ton of shakes over the past 12 years) and I agree that I even share it with my kids because I trust the brand and the ingredients. I traded out McD's breakfast McMuffin for my shake and I don't ever plan to go back! (the cost btw end up about the same as my McDs!)

    I would appreciate everyone being a little less aggressive on this topic - you can state your opinion without being rude or slamming what others have going for them. If you hate the product, make your own aggressive message board so that others asking people WHO HAVE TRIED it and HAD SUCCESS with it can make a fair judgement. The only person that buys under me is my workout partner who has had great success also. I am not pushing a product. I simply love my results! :bigsmile:

    So yeah, please play nice....
    This is SO TRUE PLEASE EDUCATE BEFORE you talk about it. :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    but i am saying from my experience with shakeology! and my research that it is better than any shake on the market!!!

    You need to quantify this with some examples and why it was "better". Not just blanket statements.

    I swear to the lord of turkey day, asking for quantative proof from shakeology users is like trying to get a hit of crack away from a crackhead.
  • robbie321
    but i am saying from my experience with shakeology! and my research that it is better than any shake on the market!!!

    You need to quantify this with some examples and why it was "better". Not just blanket statements.

    I swear to the lord of turkey day, asking for quantative proof from shakeology users is like trying to get a hit of crack away from a crackhead.
    Look! WHY won't you look up the information no one is trying to show you anything! you have a computer look it up! I KNOW by what i have looked up and "Researched! that it is great! so type in into your computer and see what you find.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    No one is looking it up because it doesn't exist.
    Why don't you tell us why it is so great?

    Your success is not because of the shakeology. It is from a calorie deficit.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    but i am saying from my experience with shakeology! and my research that it is better than any shake on the market!!!

    You need to quantify this with some examples and why it was "better". Not just blanket statements.

    I swear to the lord of turkey day, asking for quantative proof from shakeology users is like trying to get a hit of crack away from a crackhead.
    Look! WHY won't you look up the information no one is trying to show you anything! you have a computer look it up! I KNOW by what i have looked up and "Researched! that it is great! so type in into your computer and see what you find.

    i suggest you look at research concerning the best/worst forms of vitamins in terms of absorption int he body and compare that to what's in shakeolgy, in addition that, research the throw ins they've put in it and compare that to research of what dosages those add ins have actually been shown to be beneficial to humans. once you do you will most likely ocme to the conclusion that shakeology is overpriced and a cheaply made and not well thought out product
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Shakeology is now offically known as SNAKEOLOGY.

    Until I get non-ridiculous reply why it isn't
  • robbie321
    but i am saying from my experience with shakeology! and my research that it is better than any shake on the market!!!

    You need to quantify this with some examples and why it was "better". Not just blanket statements.

    I swear to the lord of turkey day, asking for quantative proof from shakeology users is like trying to get a hit of crack away from a crackhead.
    Look! WHY won't you look up the information no one is trying to show you anything! you have a computer look it up! I KNOW by what i have looked up and "Researched! that it is great! so type in into your computer and see what you find.

    Don't be ignorant. I've seen the snakeology label. Now tell me, exactly what am I going to compare it to? Name ONE and I'll do the damned research (because you haven't and won't).

    ie.. compared to the ON Whey protein + a multivitiman, it pales in bang per buck. Now your turn to actually mention something worth reading.
    I'm not going to argue with people about what work's for me!!!!...As i can see this can go on forever!!!! ... you guys tire me! Fill in the blanks yourselves but i will continue to say that shakeolgy works wonders for me. :)... no need to fuss!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    You really aren't arguing anything. I haven't really seen one valid point is the problem. If state why you think it works for you and what is so amazing then it would help!

    Seems like you are just trying to sell it to us. We are smart enough not to pay the outrageous price ^-^