New girl who wants to loose Big & needs help!

I need all the help i can get! lol. i just cant seem to do this alone. I would like to or need to loose about 50 pounds to be in the heathly range. Im new here i just started about an hour ago. Any tips are greatly appreciated.


  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    You've made a good first start.
    Just the site itself, with logging what you eat and how you exercise is huge!
    I was amazed at how many calories I was taking in, even when I thought I was being "good".
    But the forum and friends, make it phenomenal!

    If you start any C25K running or hundred pushup type programs, friend me. I'm always ready to give and get encouragement!
  • tinajoe628
    tinajoe628 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been a member for a couple of weeks now, but I'm off to a SLOW start.. just retraining my brain how to tea healthy and motivate myself to workout is a lot.. I too have much weight to lose, so it would be nice if we can encourage each other.. :)
  • tinkphoenix
    tinkphoenix Posts: 21 Member
    I use this site all the time, but am also starting an workout accountability program. It will include fitness, nutrition, and accountability. Feel free to email me for details. You will not fail! Make failure not an option!
  • angelajune
    Welcome! I'm still new-ish but find this site is great for keeping up motivation, as well as tracking food!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    an hour ago, you are VERY new ;) just make sure you track EVERYTHING you eat, and EVERY minute of working out..even if its 5 minutes of house sure to buy a HRM to track burned cals accurately, and make sure to add friends who will support you of luck
  • jackiesaenz
    Start logging all the food you eat and be honest about it. Do this daily and eventually you will start to realize what it is you are really eating and how to make a healthier substitute. The other thing is working out. If you begin just to walk everyday for about an half an hour you will start feeling good about yourself. Eventually you will get into the habit.