qwander Member


  • A good morning to you all, some of your names are very familiar.. I've really let down on keeping up with this site rather than just entering food now and then. A lot has happened since my last post but not sure it would be interesting to anyone so will start anew. Oh one thing, I do have a 90% clogged carotid artery that…
  • It has been a good day, I am getting much more exercise lately and it feels good. I had a lot of medical tests as I just knew something was wrong because I get so out of breath and just not feeling good . They all came back ok so I figured out it was a bit of depression and extra weight. I am thankful all is ok but still…
  • Just checking in, I've not had very many good days as far as exercise goes but today went for a good walk. I've spent way too much time sitting lately, and really feeling lazy.. Need to give myself a good talking to I guess. I did get a burst of self discipline as far as my eating has gone and that has helped. I will come…
  • Just home from church, we had a dinner there tonight and it was really a nice evening. How great Jackie only being 2 lbs from goal.. congratulations. I am headed down but have a way to go yet, but just feel great that I'm headed in the right direction. Life is good and I am blessed.. Scatter Kindness Nola
  • Hello, I'm back after about a pause of a few years, not sure just how long ago it was but a long time for sure. Still the same wt but getting healthier. i can't even find any 'old' posts of mine.. maybe I just don't know where to look. All is well and good in my world. I do recognize some familiar names like Sandydur and…
  • It has been many months since I posted on here.. and can't find the same group under community.. so will just post and hope you all find me, since I can't find you.. I was in the mts of Az for the summer and not back down in Tucson. It is an adjustment.. I want to start tracking my food again but got a juicer and don't…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goal? yes. Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? sorting out closets What would I have done differently? finished the closets What is today's personal goals? Just keep on keeping on.. Mon- 60 min very hard chair class with 20 min fast…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goal? yes. Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? sorting out closets What would I have done differently? finished the closets What is today's personal goals? Just keep on keeping on.. Mon- 60 min very hard chair class with 20 min fast…
  • I'm having trouble eating enough calories right now too. At the end of the day I find myself a few hundred short. But with eating apples and salads, I don't need as much and have cut out the bread and pastas which used to add so much.. Will try to keep it a little closer but they have to be quality calories.. just stuffing…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Went for a walk What would I have done differently? Walked longer and farther What is today's personal goals? check in, track calories Last week - A good week, but under stress Mon - 70 min…
  • I'm 74, 5'6" think I'm supposed to eat around 1700 calories.. don't remember right now and will lose all this if I go back
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? had granddaughter over, enjoyed her What would I have done differently? nothing What is today's personal goals? check in and go for a walk Mon - Treadmill 35 min Tues - Qigong 40 min Wed -…
  • Did you stay within your nutritional goals?yes Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? didn't eat after 6PM What would I have done differently? exercised What is today's personal goals? check in, walkl and track calories Mon - Tues - Wed - Thurs - Fri - Sat - Sun-
  • 74 yr old. newly widowed, need to substitute exxercise in place of comfort food as I've been doing for the past 16 months.. Have at least 30 lbs to release. Thanks for any help and support..
  • I've been down this road before and am here again.. losing wt that is.. I'm the 'oldie' on the block it seems.. will be 75 this year. My hubby passed away on Christmas day and I've put on 30 lbs taking care of him the last 16 months.. I used food for comfort and wasn't able to exercise as much as full time caregiver.. I am…
  • do you have to go to the ticker place every time and change it then copy and paste? I thought it could have come as I did that yesterday. Oh well, I've posted what I did.. now need to go to work for a couple hrs.. will check back in this evening.
  • Just got back from the gym, did 55 min of cardio and some wts and stretching on top of that. Not sure how to add that to my ticker tho. Will see if it comes up..
  • Well, here goes.. hope I've done this right.. I'm a bit technically challenges but will give it a go. Just came back from a great walk with a friend and listened to birds singing.. was great. oops, didn't get the exercise ticker.. will try again
  • definitely need in this challenge.. Have been going to the gym and working out but have got side tracked this year.. Need a kick start again. Now need to try to get a ticker set up.