March Walking Challenge - join in :)



  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Day 2, checking in... My crazy Yorkie took me for my 30 minute walk today. He's a super energetic little guy who walks so FAST. He gives me quite a workout, sheesh I think I need a nap now. :laugh:
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Checking in............Just 21 minutes today for me - still above target though :)
  • Day two check in. I didn't get as many steps in today as I wanted but I planned for some down days during the month. It is still early yet.
  • jeritaylor
    jeritaylor Posts: 20 Member
    Hello. Checking in for the first two days.

    March 1
    2 miles on treadmill
    5 mile walk with Leslie

    March 2
    1 mile with my kindergarten class at school today
    3 miles with Leslie

    :flowerforyou: Having FUN FUN FUN walking!!!!
  • mnmorneau
    mnmorneau Posts: 49
    2.5 miles today. hope to do more tomorrow.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Day Two check-in ... another 45 minutes.
    I get a sticker on the calendar for every day I reach my goal of 45 minutes like a little kid.
    I need a visual of a month's worth of challenges met.
    Hey whatever works, eh?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in 30 more minutes around the island while cooking dinner:happy:
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I would like to join this challenge! Exercise has been my nemesis. I I like to tell people that I was probably a rock in my past life. Combine that with some ongoing health complaints and you have a recipe for excuses. I have a few pounds I'd like to lose, but its the last few, so its sort of on the back burner...and I think I need to build my basic fitness level back up first. So I'm trying to get back to basics and commit to a walking program. My goals will be less than most of yours, but I need goals! I'm also going to do minutes rather than miles for March.
  • Wightvixen
    Wightvixen Posts: 117
    I will have to drag hubby out for a nice long walk in the New Forest sometime soon. If only the weather would warm up a bit!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    This is awesome! Glad to see so many people checking in :D

    I got in the whole 2 hours yesterday.... I didn't end up doing my walk in the morning. So it was 2 hours last night. Part of me wonders if it was just orneriness that made me get through that 2nd hour....because my husband was already wanting to go in after the 1st...but he's the one who made me miss day 1...saying he would help me make it up on day his punishment was to actually follow through with what he said! :laugh:

    So 2 hours in so far this month. :)

    I think hours have been much harder for me to do than miles, so we'll see how the month goes.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member

    Wow these are great - have never seen them. I'd found some of Leslies walks on the below link too - and they let you choose 1 mile 2 miles or 3 miles - without interruption. I made good use of them during the winter when snowed in.


    Thanks :) I think the more options the better...leaves no excuses. :bigsmile:
  • Got my 5mi in for Day 3. JILL
  • Kimber2336
    Kimber2336 Posts: 131
    I am sucking on this challenge... I'm going to try to fix the problem today though... gonna do two miles at lunch... I need to get ahead of the game. Signing up for a 5k on Saturday though, that should help too!
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks for the reminder NeuroticVirgo!! I completely forgot about the Challenge. I did a small walk on Tuesday and have been going nonstop since working on finals for my masters. Hopefully I make it through the rest of day with enough energy to do at least a short walk tonight when I get home otherwise I might have to just do it tomorrow. (I'm averaging 2 hours or less of sleep the last two nights.) But tonight is the last final for the week!
  • qwander
    qwander Posts: 21 Member
    Well, here goes.. hope I've done this right.. I'm a bit technically challenges but will give it a go.

    Just came back from a great walk with a friend and listened to birds singing.. was great. oops, didn't get the exercise ticker.. will try again

  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking day 3... walked 30 minutes :smile:
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Did a mile with Leslie Sansone this morning when I got up, then my walk to work and back...TWICE!! So that's 3 miles altogether!

  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wow! Everyone is doing so great with their walking so far this month!!! I did 2.1 miles Tuesday (Wii Walk It Out) and 2 miles Wednesday (Walk Away the Pounds DVD). I have a question for those who do their walking outside - not using games/DVDs or treadmill that tracks your distance. How do you track how far you walk? I once had a pedometer but it was woefully inaccurate. As soon as the weather improves here in KY, I want to start doing my walking outside but want to keep up with my distances. Perhaps a more expensive pedometer? I guess I could always try driving my route and tracking it that way, but that does away with the freedom of taking a different path.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Wow! Everyone is doing so great with their walking so far this month!!! I did 2.1 miles Tuesday (Wii Walk It Out) and 2 miles Wednesday (Walk Away the Pounds DVD). I have a question for those who do their walking outside - not using games/DVDs or treadmill that tracks your distance. How do you track how far you walk? I once had a pedometer but it was woefully inaccurate. As soon as the weather improves here in KY, I want to start doing my walking outside but want to keep up with my distances. Perhaps a more expensive pedometer? I guess I could always try driving my route and tracking it that way, but that does away with the freedom of taking a different path.

    I walk outside and thought it would be problematic to try to keep track of distance. I sometimes take a different route. That's why I use time instead of distance as my challenge.
  • Hey everyone, really pleased to see you are all doing really well.

    I work 12 - 13 hour shifts so finding it really hard to do my walks as planned. Today was my day off and really enjoyed a walk in the country side. I am trying other things like not using the car and walking the 15 mins each way to the bus stop and I have banned my self from using the lifts at work, i'm on the 4th floor so hopefully this will increase my excercise for the day!

    Planning to do a 6 mile walk in Sherwood Forest on Saturday, really looking forward to it.

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