

  • HI bethie!! I am Nicci, age 29. I am all about a healthy whole foods lifestyle I have been on a weight loss journey for 5 years, Feel free to add me if you feel comfortable :-)
  • LOL i guess i should learn to be happy with my bottom huh? I know my hubby loves it. he smacks it every day :-)
  • you mentioned not even getting to your 1200 cal mark for the day, underconsuming calories can cause your body to go into starvation mode and hold onto every calorie and every bit of fat you take in, make sure you are reaching your daily cal. goal. Do so by eating alot of lean protien and veggies, and COMPLEX carbohydrates
  • LOL I agree with the spawn of satat thing. they have more calories than a donut. however a donut obviously has more sugar....i am all about protien for b-fast gets the metabolism pumping and keeps you fuller longer than bread does becasue it takes longer to break down
  • Go for a nice BRISK walk. it will help to break up the lactic acid that has been built up in your muscles. The lactic acid aids in the muscle pain. Also make sure you are eating ALOT of protien to help heal and rebuild the tears in your muscles . Also be sure that you are streatching alot as well. soak in a hot bath of…
  • you know .. i like your question. because for the LONGEST time i was on 1600 cals a day and not a single lb came off or i gained! i believe some of the others may be right. Our bodies are in starvation mode. we need more. i realise this now with MFP telling me to eat more calories than i have eaten in over a yr. I'm new to…