jennifermyers35 Member


  • Done with day 8! I was really wanting to stop, but pushed through it! Glad I did!
  • Done! It was harder for me today though. I am honestly not looking forward to level 2... kinda sad that I'm dreading it already.
  • Done! I decided to turn my T.V down and play music instead of listening to the DVD... Music always powers my workouts and it was great :) Good job everyone!!!
  • Done!! Really didn't feel like doing it, but so glad I just pushed threw it instead- it's always worth it!
  • Done!! Want to let everyone know- the first time I did the shred, after about a week and a half, I didn't lose anything and it was discouraging. I read somewhere that muscles retain water and that will weigh you down. So I went on a two day water binge- and dropped 4 pounds right away and it stayed off... So just remember…
  • Day 2 done! I feel it in my arms! I hate the 2nd strength move in the 3rd circuit. Side lunges with anterior raises. My arms are like noodles now... bah!
  • Starting Weight - 178 Biceps - : 14-14 Chest - 37 Waist - 34.5 Hips - 41 Thighs - :23-23
  • Done :) I logged mine as 15min calisthenics and 15min high impact aerobics for a total of 302 calories burned. I'm not sure if that is correct, but it seems pretty close. Let me know if you have any suggestions!
  • Hey Everyone! I'm Jen and I'm from Dallas. I have done two weeks of the 30 day shred before... twice and never seemed to be able to finish it. I know this will help me to stay motivated!