Member Introductions



  • Goosie17
    Goosie17 Posts: 28
    Hey My name is Dana. I'm from South Carolina. I've had the 30 day shred for a couple of years now and have used it before along with (no more trouble zones and banish fat boost metabolism) both Jillian micheals dvds. I had good results, so I'm ready to add this to my routine. Having a group of people to do it with is great. Im excited!!!
  • stef102093
    stef102093 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm Stephanie, I live in Florida. I've done most of her get ripped in 30 but I always seem to fall of the wagon. I'll have go go buy 30 day shred and get started with everyone tomorrow :) looking forward to it!
  • jennifermyers35
    jennifermyers35 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I'm Jen and I'm from Dallas. I have done two weeks of the 30 day shred before... twice and never seemed to be able to finish it. I know this will help me to stay motivated!
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Hi all, I'm Cole, 29 and I'm from South Africa. I've tried the shred before, I was enjoying it even had a support buddy. unfortunately she took time off to travel, I got injured and I sort of lost motivation. I'm determined to finish this, even if I have to start again. I'm getting back routine after 2weeks of recovery from my sprained ankle. I'm Grateful I've found this group. :D

    Hello my home girl!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • vgurgel
    vgurgel Posts: 11 Member

    I´m Veronica and I´m a 24 yo brazilian. I just saw this group and decided to join you since I began the 30 day shred yesterday.
    I have to say, I´m quite sore today, but not as much as I imagined. Woke up at 6:30 to do my round on day 2.
    I also took my photos and measurements, and I´m planning on doing it every 5-10 days from the shred, so I´ll have before, during and after results.

    Pretty excited about this :smile:
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am Zalak from India. I am 21 and studying architecture. I've joined MFP around 1 year ago but I was not so active. Now I think it's high time and I want to get in shape. Actually in India 30 Day Shred by Jillian is not so famous so looking for some company and found this group. I would be glad to be a part of this group. I really need support so I joined this group.

    And ya of course feel free to add me.:flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi, I am Cylinda Taylor, 31 and been on this journey for a long time. I started at 241 and now I am 180. I am so ready to lose the last 10 pounds. I quit the last time when I was doing the 30 day shred. My goal is to do this every day when I get off work.

    Let's get it done! :drinker:
  • minicoopsie
    minicoopsie Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all my name is Anna I am 26 recently married and working on my last year of grad school to get my Masters in Social Work. I swam competitevely in high school although I was never that good. I gave up on any sports and fitness in my undergrad years in college and only kept from gaining weight because I had to walk everywhere. Since graduating from high school in 2005 I have put on almost 25pounds which for someone who is only 5 feet is too much, 15 of that was in the last year due to stress eating and going from a retail job to an office job. I am looking to get back to my pre-college fitness level and maybe even better. My husband and I are hoping to be able to do a 5k next summer so I am looking for something that I can do to increase my stregnth and endurance that won't cause my asthma to flare real bad. I am trying to also focus on doing food swaps throughout the day to start eating healthier and parking farther away from work so I am moving more.
  • tanyab1990
    tanyab1990 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello all! My name is Tanya and I live in Central Florida. I am 41 years old and work in banking. I have successfully lost about 25 lbs this year, with about 15 lbs in the last month. I started the 30 day shred on Saturday as a way to find something very focused as well as change things up. I currently also do Zumba 2-3 days per week as well as some other strength work. I am going on a cruise in October so while I have much more weight to lose, my goal is to lose another 20-25 lbs by October 24th. Challenging yet definitely doable!

    I am looking forward to working with all of you!
  • stef102093
    stef102093 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm there with you, my cruise is in November. We can do it :) Only Florida people go cruising in the dead of winter :)
  • tanyab1990
    tanyab1990 Posts: 212 Member
    I think Florida people would go cruising any day, any time. I know I would! :)
  • My name is Kimberly. My goal is to tone and get back into a regular.routine of activity. I will be 46 in two days. I have been married 25 years and have three kids. I work in education. I want to be fit and healthy for longevity and good health.i recently dropped 12 lbs that I had gained out of pure laziness and poor eating habits. I want to maintain a healthy weight and not use aging as an excuse or too tired or too busy. Exercising always makes me feel better about myself. I need to have healthy expectations for myself. When my goal is too high i get discouraged and give up completely. When my goals are too high and i don't give up it takes a lot of time from my family and other life activities. I want to do as much as I can with my family. It was nice that my husband joined me for today's workout.

    Tonight was a little discouraging because it takes me months to get in shape then a just a few to lose the progress I make. I start over all the time. I want exercise to be like drinking water, having devotions, and breathing something I have to do daily!

    I just recently rejoined MFP. I am looking forward to this accountability group. I don't have many pals yet so if you are looking for new friends on MFP feel free to add me.
  • Hi Tasha, I wish you the best on your journey to good health and starting your family. You won't regret either one. Me and my husband have three kids. My oldest will be graduating this year!!
  • Mjnslce
    Mjnslce Posts: 84 Member
    Hi I am Jennifer. I am a stay at home mom of 5!! They are awesome. I have been on my weight loss journey for 70 days now. Doing great I think. I live in a very small town and have to travel 30 miles to the closest gas station. So I stay home a lot! My husband of 5 years is awesome and very supportive. I have been doing the 30DS for a month now but havent gotten the guts up to move to level 2. So I am here for that push! Thanks!
  • 1nt2Lose
    1nt2Lose Posts: 64 Member
    Hi. My name is Erin. The 30-Day Shred kicked off my "get healthy" plan last summer, but I switched to spin classes after getting planters fasciitis half-way through. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again, although I attribute it to running and walking barefoot in my house, too. It is a great program (although gets a bit repetitive) that works the whole body in a short time period--I can't ask for much more. Unfortunately, I need to be on a "diet" and exercise plan to eat in moderation and maintain my weight. I'd like to lose another 5-10, too. I was doing well with the 4-hour body, but became an insomniac, which my doctor accredited to the low carb/high protein diet, so I am going back to logging in my daily intake (starting tomorrow, haha.) I missed the first two days of this group, but will work through the weekend while y'all recoup!