

  • total transformation! It makes me excited about what is possible!
  • Your goal is 100 lbs. That is too low for most adults. I think your intention is to be too skinny with little regard to your health. It's not worth it. This could lead to a psychological problem - i.e. eating disorder. Steer clear now and get happy with yourself first. You are entirely right though. We do eat bigger…
  • funkyspunky871 - I think you have to start forgiving yourself a bit more. I see that you have made great progress in your weight loss. You definitely know what you're doing, so now take it easy on yourself. You're talking about not eating and then bingeing - are you just joking or is that serious? Take it easy on yourself.…
  • that's okay. I just ate half a bag of crackers and I wasn't even hungry. I'm not going to condemn myself for it. I'll just try better from this moment and you should to. Every minute you get another chance to make a better choice.
  • There is absolutely no reason to be an exercise snob. What I find annoying are people who brag about their running/marathon stuff. It doesn't make you superior. ALL exercise matters. The point of logging ALL forms of exercise is to get into a state of awareness about how much or how little one actually engages in activity.…
  • I clean like a machine!:smile:
  • No, what's weird is that I sometimes see people's before pics when they weigh over 200 lbs. and I don't even think they look overweight. Makes me wonder how unreal a size 0, 2, etc. really is.
  • You can't stop now, it's only been 3 weeks AND you already lost some weight! It's all downhill from here (in a good way). I just joined and what's been helping me so far is reminding myself that this will be something that I have to do for a very long time. It's a cliche, but it's true - it's a lifestyle change. When you…
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