

  • I actually did say forget it last year when I originally was starting my weightloss journey. It was the worst mistake I ever made. I can't help but think about how much further I would be now if I had just stuck it out when it got tough. However, part of me is glad because without giving up I'm not sure if I would have…
  • I love the 100 cal packs. I am also a huge fan of The Laughing Cow cheese wedges with fresh veggies. It's delicious.
  • You're very welcome! I was actually doing a juice fast, or attempting to, and that site was a great help.
  • OH, also avoid mixing too many fruits and veggies together, apples being the exception, because they cause horrible gas. You'll be better off doing a veggie juice and then a fruit juice.
  • Adding an apple really helps with the sweetness. So do carrots. I don't recommend juicing celery, its supposed to be really good for you but it makes juice taste wretched. Also, try for some great juice recipes!
  • I'm pretty sure there's about 340 calories in a bagel, but it still depends on the bagel and where you get it. Everyone maks them differently.
  • I download the C25K Pro app and started last night. It's great, it dings when its time to switch from jogging to walking. It was $1.99 but there is a free one too. Look for the little sneaker! Oh and that is on the android market.
  • It gets easier to track day by day. Once you have a routine you'll be good to go. Good luck!