

  • I don't mind Denise so much except the pilates tapes she a little more condescending, I don't think you insulted me enough-- "turn your TOESSSS out like a BALLERINA!!!!" Jillian. SERIOUSLY. WHAT. A. RUDE. POS. Don't yell at me. I just paid for your lunch with this DVD purchase. Also, Windsor whenever she tells me…
  • It partially depends on personal structure and muscle development, I think. I danced for most of my life while growing/developing so even at my heaviest my thighs barely touched while walking. Dancing stresses the long, extended growth. They almost always touch when standing feet together--only at my skinniest did they not…
  • just when I thought I said I could say a mcdonald's drive says I get a free meal a day... (nice post, btw. obsessions=confessions=crummy feelings)
  • pilates! the mat work will get your lower band abs. All those leg lifts and controlled torso movements get the lower abs in shape .
  • fruit is good for you, yes, but not in excess (as with anything else). I've found a lot of food's nutritional content, when looked at from an evolution standpoint, makes perfect sense. Fruit, to our primeval ancestors, was like a big old chuck of cheescake is to us. It was a desert, and a rare one for most individuals. The…
  • blood is 8% of your body weight...just sayin. if there was a diet that could let you lose a large amt of weight in 2 weeks (safely), none of us would be here.
  • when I found out fage had HUGE containers (4-5 servings) of their 0% life improved dramatically :) I LOVE IT. I am weird, though, apparently...I like it plain or with a cut up piece of fruit. Dannon is terrible. Choibani is delicious, but not as thick as fage to me. Liberte has low-cal ones, but I can't find…
  • when your muscle cells heat (from exerting them), your blood vessels in the area sense the increase in temp. In order to attempt to decrease the temp, the vessels of the area dilate, letting heat to the surface of the skin. This appears as redness of the area. Sweat glands are present in almost every area of the body. With…
  • 1) mix equal parts with almond flour 2) put thin layer of mayo (use light if you want) on fish (orange roughy or something similar) 3) sprinkle liberally on top bake to completion! (coating will be light brown-brown, fish will flake) it's delicious with the almond flour, more healthy tasting with the flax. I like to use…
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