BrynMeister Member


  • yes there is schedule which changed every 30 days. Your first month you rotate dvds: Mon: Chest, Back & Abs Tue: Plometric Circuit wed: Shoulders, Arms & Abs Thu: Yoga Fri: Legs, Back & Abs Sat: Kenpo Sun: Rest or Stretch second month the exercises become more intense. You could do with some bands or weights if you prefer,…
  • Thanks for the replies guys, I was hoping I could add all the excercises and bunch them under one heading like Chest, Back Abs but I see that as MFP doesn't add the calorie burn I need to go back to putting it under cardio. I know this is a vague question but, how many calories do you reckon for a session of P90X? I've…
  • Hi I started P90X on the 6th so apologies for the late arrival but I have only recently found this app/site. My experience so far? Enjoyable would be the word.. except for plyo, did that yesterday and I'm still walking funny lol. I'm liking the yoga - my back feels all stretched out but in a good way!? How do you go about…