P90X Classic Starting June 6th, Who's in?



  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    On to week three! I've been keeping up with the workouts but haven't had good access to my computer so been a little MIA lately. I liked Kenpo much much more this week, I'm actually really sore from it - which is great!

    Chest and back today, gotta keep working on the "arm pit fat" (do you guys have that or am I a crazy person??)

    Happy Monday!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Day 1 of my second round of P90X. So, I am both ahead and behind, depending on how you look at things. Good luck everyone. It's totally worth the effort.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    Today is the start of my recovery week. I have to do Yoga and Core Synergistics twice? Oh well, just ganna push play and watch the calories burn. Day thirty will be inthe middle of next week.

    Also, my wife is starting week 2 of the Lean Program and my sister has agreed to do an altered version to get back ready for high school basketball. She will do the fit test today and begin the reall stuff tomorrow.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    On to week three! I've been keeping up with the workouts but haven't had good access to my computer so been a little MIA lately. I liked Kenpo much much more this week, I'm actually really sore from it - which is great!

    Chest and back today, gotta keep working on the "arm pit fat" (do you guys have that or am I a crazy person??)

    Happy Monday!

    Good to hear your still in it! I totally have the armpit fat, it drives me crazy when I wear tank tops or halter tops!! I'm starting to get crazy pecs though. This may be TMI, but I can see the difference from where my pecs stop, and my boobs start. It's kinda weird...

    Chest and back this morning, and if I do say so myself, I'm totally bringing it. I went from doing 10 pushups the first week, to doing 20 this week. I'm adding 5 reps each time I do the video! I have 3 of my heaviest bands stacked now for pullups, I need to buy heavier bands!!
    And I'm still loving ab-ripper X. Life Bloom, does it ever get easy? I feel like each time I do it, it's a different part of my abs that hurts like he11... and a different one of the moves that makes me want to scream and cry...
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Sadly it took me until the very last time of doing ab ripper before I managed to do the whole routine and the bonus twists. It stopped hurting after the first phase. Or I should say I stopped waking up the next day feeling sore. It still hurts while I do it. This time around I am trying for arms up the whole time and crossed legs. Basically the harder moves. We'll see how that goes. I need to make it harder not easier just to make it through.
  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Day 2 Week 2 here! Just finished Plyometrics, definitely my least favorite workout while in the middle of it, but I always feel so good once I've completed it all. I can tell already I am going to have such a sore lower half tomorrow!!

    Yesterday I went absolutely as hard as I could during Chest & Back. I am feeling it a bit today and am loving it. My arms/shoulders/chest area seems to be where I am seeing the most changes as of now. Is this the same for anyone else?
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 15/90 is done .....chest/back and ab ripper x. feeling my abs today, i think doing turbo jams ab jam yesterday wasnt a great ideal after ab rippers today. chest/back pushed myself more and got more pushups out before i had to hit my knees and do them.
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Hahaha good to know I'm not the only one plagued by arm pit fat. I know you can't target weight loss but hopefully all of this upper body stuff will help :) Can't say I have true pecs yet...but I definitely think I am looking a tiny bit more toned.

    Totally brought it today if I do say so myself. I bought one "medium" stretchy band and I think I need another one! Can't wait to see what phase 2 brings!

    It's so nice to hear from the ones who are on the second round, or are farther ahead, that the work is worth it. Great motivation!
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Week 2! Did chest/back last night and have plyo tonight. I really need to get a pull up bar. I try using a band, but I don't really have anything to wrap it around. I used a chair, but it doesn't give me the right angle I am supposed to be in.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Week 2! Did chest/back last night and have plyo tonight. I really need to get a pull up bar. I try using a band, but I don't really have anything to wrap it around. I used a chair, but it doesn't give me the right angle I am supposed to be in.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    A friend of mine screwed an eye bolt into one of his ceiling joists and loops his resistance bands through that.
    The doorway bar is nice (it's what I use), just put some padding on the end bars or you'll tear up your molding/drywall.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Week 2! Did chest/back last night and have plyo tonight. I really need to get a pull up bar. I try using a band, but I don't really have anything to wrap it around. I used a chair, but it doesn't give me the right angle I am supposed to be in.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    A friend of mine screwed an eye bolt into one of his ceiling joists and loops his resistance bands through that.
    The doorway bar is nice (it's what I use), just put some padding on the end bars or you'll tear up your molding/drywall.

    I have a "door attachment" for my resistance bands... it's basically just a little piece of clothe with a big bump on the end, that slips through the gap between the door and the frame, and then (hopefully) stays in place. I find it works pretty well, especially if I attach it to the top of the door right next to the hinges. (So much less torque pulling the door open)

    Plyo this morning... that certainly does make me drip sweat! Good workout!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 16/90 is done plyo. i feel so beat today, every part of me is sore except my forearms and right calf. i figured i would feel this the first week not the third week. long bath , then food , and back to work tonight.
  • DeadZip2010
    DeadZip2010 Posts: 111 Member
    Wanted to check in. Just did Core Synergistics and man oh man, what-a sweat. I think the carpet in my living room needs the night off to dry out. lol. Hitting a Chinese buffet tonight with 888 calories to spend. I need quite a bit of protien so my plate will be full of mostly shrimp, chicken, and steak, some fried rice and veggies on the side.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Did plyo yesterday and I did WAY better than last week. My legs felt like jello when I was through.
    I don't know if this has already been asked on here, but how do you log these workouts without a hrm?
  • BrynMeister
    BrynMeister Posts: 3 Member

    I started P90X on the 6th so apologies for the late arrival but I have only recently found this app/site.

    My experience so far? Enjoyable would be the word.. except for plyo, did that yesterday and I'm still walking funny lol. I'm liking the yoga - my back feels all stretched out but in a good way!?

    How do you go about logging the routines? It seems everything I'm adding in is a cardio workout but I'm trying weights to put some mass on and can't help feeling I should be logging it as strength.

    Glad I found you guys, keep it up.

  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Did Arms & Shoulders this morning and I can really feel it in my triceps already. Been doing 15 reps of each exercise in Ap Ripper X!!

    Bryn, you can create custom workouts which is how I log mine.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member

    I started P90X on the 6th so apologies for the late arrival but I have only recently found this app/site.

    My experience so far? Enjoyable would be the word.. except for plyo, did that yesterday and I'm still walking funny lol. I'm liking the yoga - my back feels all stretched out but in a good way!?

    How do you go about logging the routines? It seems everything I'm adding in is a cardio workout but I'm trying weights to put some mass on and can't help feeling I should be logging it as strength.

    Glad I found you guys, keep it up.


    You can log your resistance training as strength, however MFP doesn't calculate a calorie burn for it. If you want your calorie burn reflected in your daily totals, enter it as cardio. I enter every DVD as cardio and use the worksheets or spreadsheet to track the weight and reps.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I think most of us do the same as LifeBloom. Even with no heart rate monitor, I check my heart rate periodically throughout the DVD, -> with 10 sec measurements against the time bar on the video... then you can use an online calculator to figure out about how much you're burning!

    Arms was hard today... I think chest and back gets my triceps and shoulders a little too, so when I go into biceps, triceps and shoulders, they are already tired!!! So yah, I hurt today. And ab ripper x hurt, as always. Trying to do the advanced version of the whole thing, arms up and stuff, so I don't get complacent with it, since I can get the whole way through....
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    day 17/90 is done shoulders/arms and ab ripper x.....oh my my body is still sore. i usually do 15 reps but today could only do 10. ab rippers was harder today but still did all 25 of the 11.

    whats your fav/ least fav move on ab rippers?

    fav is mason twist
    least fav is crunch frog.
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