As someone who has IBS Constipation, I went full LOW FODMAP diet last year. I worked with a dietitian but you can find a lot of great resources online, and The issue is most people with IBS have issues with…
Enchiladas... Egg Whites or Boneless Chicken Breast (I am having a protein issue ;) )
I weigh daily to keep myself in check but I weigh-in and check in my weight on Friday mornings.
As someone who works in a hospital but I sit some of the day, other times bouncing around the place without additional exercise I do about 9k-13k depending on the day and then with an additional couple miles on a trail I can hit 15, but I average 11k in a normal day. While it is active remember if your body does it daily…
Fitbit is a better quality product with a company that will stand the test of time. Jawbone is a company in a lot of financial trouble right now, postponing their one product that can compete with others the UP3. I think if a company goes out of business at some point their trackers will not function with their…
Honestly based on tons of test that I have read up on, the FitBit seems to have the most consistency with steps and activity measures and the Fitbit Charge HR has a pulse registering HR Monitor which is not as accurate as a HR band, but who the hell wants to wear one of those, at least with a pulse measuring metric you…
I am 5'8 and I will say the lowest I have ever been was 145, for my build that was far too thin. I had bobble head syndrome when someones head appears to big for their body and most of my bones were sticking out. It will also determine your built, I have broad shoulders, broad hips and I am just not a small framed gal. I…
I love the recipe builder I would say 90% of what I log comes from there, you can measure, calculate by serving size and so much more. VERY HELPFUL
I use mine daily. I love that when I am lazy and want a healthy dinner i just throw some broth and veggies in it, let it run on high for minutes and I have soup. I have the Vitamix 5200
I am in, I like challenges.
I don't tip for take out
Measurements, the best indicator
I am tattoo free, more because I a) can't decide what I would want on my body forever, very little has stayed the same in my life at the age of 34 I am constantly evolving and changing b) Location Location Location. I love them on other people but I prefer to not commit to any one piece of art on my skin
Smoothie of the Day: (meh, can't seem to go without the greens, would have been tastier without) 1 Cup Spinach, 1 Cup Coconut Milk (unsweetened) 1 medium frozen banana, Flax Seed Meal (1 Tbs), Maca Powder 1 tsp, Chia Seeds 1 tsp, Frozen Cherries (1/2 cup), I tbs of Organic Cashew Butter (unsalted), 1 tbs Double Dutch…
To me I have a packed gym bag in my car, it is the first stop I make after work, it is MY time before I do anything else, or even get together with dinner. For me it is a great stress reliever after work
Weighing yourself daily is unnecessary and will most likely drive you crazy. I fluctuate weight through any given week and at most a once a week weigh in at the same time/ same day gives a better reading of long term weight loss efforts. I stopped weighing myself about 2 months ago, I have lost inches, feel amazing and got…
I use the Fitbit ONE, not the wristbands. I wear it on my bra
I have been faithfully using Fitbit since Feb of 2012. I love it, but I love data and the ability to work with that data. For me it helps keep me active, it also syncs with MyFitnessPal so my workouts and food are calculated well. I know very little about Jawbone but I have been happy with Fitbit for two years now.
It goes in my morning smoothie: Such as Spinach Coconut Milk Strawberries Banana (Frozen) Pb2 Maca Powder Chia Seeds
I use just a high quality EVOO or that and some balsamic . I don't use salad dressings
Homemade Guac
I went though a stint with BED (Binge Eating Disorder) years ago, it was messy and I created a cycle of consuming so much food, feeling guilt and doing it all over again. I gained 75 lbs in one year, I was hiding food (like empty boxes of Little Debbie snacks) in my car. The only thing that worked for me was therapy,but it…
Orthorexia is NOT a diagnosis, not even in consideration at this point. This I believe would fall under more of an OCD/Anxiety Disorder In the new DSM-5 there exist Binge Eating Disorder also, the only "official or suggested (meaning requiring further investigation) are under Feeding & Eating Disorders *Anorexia Nervosa…
As a trainer friend of mine always tells me "It is ALL cardio" wear a HRM when you do strength training and compare
This...this is extremely helpful to all
Stop worrying about it, life happens on occasion. Just go forth with eating healthy, I normally start my day with a Green Smoothie and eat non-heavy foods for the next day.
I love this one
Body Fat Percentage and BMI are not the same thing. You are asking what Body Fat Percentage you are, but Rachel from BL was only mentioned as far as 18.5% BMI. Body Fat Percentage is the weight of a person's fat divided by the person's weight. BMI is a measure of the weight of a person scaled according to their height…