

  • I had similar reasons to join. I want to lose only ~10 lbs, get in shape and just eat healthy and exercise often. I am a doctor and the majority of my patients are obese. I think I will be more convincing and comfortable with counseling my patients about lifestyle changes, if I have done it myself. Or on the other hand, if…
  • Because it has no significance if you're feeling alright. Once a year screening for hypertension is plenty.
    in Low BP okay? Comment by md921 July 2011
  • Stop checking your BP and pulse rate -MD
    in Low BP okay? Comment by md921 July 2011
  • You will lose weight What you don't wanna lose is your hair, skin, vision, periods, bones etc etc. You're body needs thousands of nutrients, including carbs, fats and proteins. It's only been going on for 4 days, so this might pass. But this might be a sign of a medical problem. If it lasts >1-2 weeks or if you have any…
  • Congratulations! you just lost another 50 calories worrying about this. You're fine ! :-)
  • You're losing @ 2lbs/week. Slow down - might help your frustration.
  • Fact one: Too much water, esp without electrolytes and over long periods of time can be bad for you Fact two: Obviously, there's no magic no to tell your the right amount of water you should drink in a day. Everybody handles water differently in thousands of ways To answer the first question: Your weight may be more or…
  • There's no way for a doctor to predict the right dose of thyroid medication for you, it's all trial and error. But most doctors would start at a low dose and then gradually increase it. Levothyroxine (your thyroid medication) will increase your BMR (Basal metabolic rate) and increase your caloric need. That may cause you…
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