64Mustang Member


  • Depends on how much sugar you want with your protein. I like Pure Protein bars and most of the Atkins ones.
  • I'm only 5'6" but at 140 I just put on a size 6 jeans. Normally I'm an 8 now (was a 16) but it was nice to button a 6. No desire to be a 6 though. Thinking 135 is too thin for you 5'9" ladies. Guess it depends on your age. If in 20's or early 30's maybe but in your 40's or older it is really hard to maintain. I started off…
  • I was having shin splintz and knee issues. I went to the local Fitness/Running store and got video taped while running in my shoes. I overpronate and need a "high stability" shoe. I tried on 10 pairs and ran on the store treadmill to get a feel for them. Once I narrowed it down to 2 or 3 based on general comfort I ran in…