

  • I quit smoking last year, and I found reading a book to help. If you have the oral fixation, try snacking on carrot sticks or celery. As for the exercising, buy a mini cycle, they are about 20-40 dollars. And you can sit and watch tv or read a book in any chair.
  • Hi There! Congratulations on the 91lbs lost but stop the Friday night "drinkathon". Alcohol has absolutely no nutritional value, but empty calories. You said you have been slowing down the last 6 months. Are you exercising? I recommend walking/speed walking/running. Good Luck!
  • Welcome Back! I just wanted to comment on your fast food cravings. If you are craving fast food, Wendy's Berry Almond Chicken Salad is amazing. And whether you go in or go through the drive Thur, you still get to smell the fries :) But I always feel great when I walk out with a salad instead of a burger and fries. Good…
  • I signed up about a month ago, just to keep track of my calories, not to lose weight. But because I was consuming too many calories daily, I ended up dropping 2 lbs. And my work outs are better and have more energy, cause I'm not weighing myself down with food! Good Luck!
  • I started working out in March 2011, and started drinking half my body weight in water a day, which is recommended especially if you're active. But yes, since I started drinking water more I have started to sweat a lot. I thought that was just me.