Not new but may as well be...

gtchs Posts: 116 Member
I'm not new to MFP but I may as well be. I've used it off and on (mostly off) for a while but never long enough to really lose any weight and keep it off.

This time is different...hence, why I'm writing this post. I'm committed to sticking to plan this time and plan on becoming more of a regular visitor to MFP.

About me...I'm a 39 year old male with over 200 pounds to lose. Wow..that was painful to write :sad: .

I've only been on plan for 2 days so far but it seems different this time. So far, I have much less desire to cheat...the urge to pull into a fast food joint, while still there, isn't anywhere what it was.

Anyone have any tips to help stay motivated? I'm guessing I'll need it on my long journey...



  • purplebtrfly187
    Welcome Back!

    I just wanted to comment on your fast food cravings. If you are craving fast food, Wendy's Berry Almond Chicken Salad is amazing. And whether you go in or go through the drive Thur, you still get to smell the fries :) But I always feel great when I walk out with a salad instead of a burger and fries.

    Good Luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    eep...a fellow Yellow Jacket???
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    You can do anything you set your mind too. Remember we all make conscious decisions everyday while we could just 'give up' and go on pretending to be 'happy' where we are, just think how much happier you'll be when you reach your goal. I'm not gonna tell you it will be easy, but I will tell you in the long run even if you just lose 100 lbs or so, your confidence will be so much higher. Also while you'll feel like crap at the beginning as you work out you'll feel better & have lots more energy.
  • ginabgdc
    If you have a smart phone, download the app...I seem to better this time around since its so easy to add things that way.