

  • It can be your water weight or it can be your muscles that are growing. Muscles weight 2 times more than fat.(maybe more) The best way to check your weight is to check it once a week so you know how much you have really progressed. The other guy read my mind.. :D
  • The thing is with sauna that you wont lose any fat from your body but only fluids. Yeah you will loose weight but the weight will come back after you drink water AND water is necessary for a human being. You might burn some calories but so you will also by sitting on your couch too. I live in finland (the country wich…
    in sauna Comment by jonttumies March 2010
  • Well im not an expert but ive heard that fast paced walking for a long period of time does the trick IF you want to loose fat. If you need to just drop weight so that you get your extra fluids off of your system then anything that makes you sweat will do. sauna is the best for that.
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