deenice99 Member


  • I usually do sessions a day anyway. I do level 1 in the morning and level 3 in the evening. I detest level 2 so have only done is once..
  • I think you are actually doing well coz in reality you should gain a bit as muscle weighs more and when you exercise you gain muscle. Keep at it and evantually the pounds will start dropping. I have a bout 4 kilo to lose and since I joined MFP not only have I not lost weight I have not lost my fire either becoz I have seen…
  • I have also found weekends a challenge but I think if you can plan for them then you should be OK. Cook more on Fridays and make sure you have some healty snacks in the house. If you are going out to eat have a piece or 2 of fruit while on your way to either the restaurant or your host's house. If they offer you a drink…
    in Weekends Comment by deenice99 July 2011
  • Well done you. Losing any amount of weight is hard and you have done really well. Still to lose some weight but I blame weekends for that. I am super good during the week and then weekend turns into a binge. well done
  • I have also trieday the 30 day shred by Gillian Michaels and its fab and you can see results quick if you keep at it... Also try some zumba dvds to mix it up a bit. Good luck
  • hi there, I tried pilates after a lady at work recommended them but I just thought they are glorified warm up and cool down routines. But then again with classes they also very much depend on your instructor and if the instructor is uninspiring then like me you wont go back. I have however bought a pilates DVD which is…