

  • congrats!!! that's the best feeling!
  • you are keeping ME motivated! I was too tired to go running before work this morning, so I didn't. But now I am going to go home and run some stairs in my apartment!
  • nuts are always high in calories...
  • I'm doing something kind of like the paying each pound idea...I'm setting a small goal and each time I reach it, I treat myself w/ something I like. For example, when I loose the next 3lbs I'm going to buy myself season 4 of the Office on DVD.
  • Alright friends, I need a pep talk. Getting back on track after the holidays is harder than I thought. I ate way to much and have only exercised for 30 min this week total. Pathetic! Tomorrow is a new day. Please pep talk me!
  • Haha, i was totally going to say dance before I read all the comments. Look like we all think alike! :)
  • I was worried I wouldn't be able to do well over the holidays. My mom cooks amazing things and I want to eat them all! I decided that I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't gain any weight, and if I didn't loose any, it would be ok. I also started running stairs before I came home so that I could have some sort of work out…
  • awesome! it literally is the best feeling! :)
  • So I am sitting here at work where there are a lot of Christmas goodies lying around, and I picked up a Sees chocolate and thought, "I can have just one." I put it on my desk for a little bit later, and then I got on this site and were reading some of your posts, took one look at the chocolate, and threw it in the trash!…
  • i know! its hard. my goal is to just maintain my weight. If you are rushing around, just buy a meal bar or something to tide you over or to even sub for fast food...and bring apples for snacks. They are quick. I know its not a hearty meal, but at least you'll be staying in your limit, and since you are running around so…
  • Sometimes I get on it and I weigh a certain amount, and then sometimes I obsess and get on it the next day and I've gained 2 or 3 lbs, but I've done nothing wrong w/ my exercise and eating. Especially since I am burning around 500 calories a day and always eating about 300 cals under my limit. Maybe its because I'm gaining…
  • Yes, that is SO true. My pants are too big now, and while buying new jeans is still a little unforgiving, I have dropped two dress sizes. :D And I like what the person above take before and after pictures. I think I'm just expecting too much too soon. We all just need to be patient!
  • So I've lost almost 20 lbs, and even though most of my friends comment on how much weight I've lost, I barely see any difference! Does that ever happen to you? What's the deal?
  • Hey, I'm not new here...I've been doing this since August, but I never officially introduced myself. Like everyone here I'm working hard to loose weight and be healthy and all that good stuff. And its been working! This website is rad. I've turned so many friends onto it. So here's the thing. I am going to be a bridesmaid…
  • Hey, the scale can be so fickle! Take your measurements on your waist, hips and bust instead. I did the scale thing for a while, but suddenly it would say I would gain even though I didn't do anything bad w/ my eating or exercise. It was because I was gaining muscle. A tape measure is more forgiving, and more realistic. I…
  • If you don't want the temptation, just throw them out. I've done that w/ my favorite chips before. My friend made chips and dip and when there were all these left overs at my apartment, I just threw them out. It was hard cause I wanted to eat them all, but I just did it! Better to get the temptation out of the way. Also, I…