

  • Good to hear your enthusiasm! I lost 15lbs on this site before, let go for a while, and now I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. :)
  • I usually make a protein shake from Trader Joes chocolate protein whey powder. I put it in a blender w/ 1/2 cup of skim milk, 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese, and a banana or a cup of blueberries to sweeten it. Its pretty good. You can also mix it in w/ cereal, or if you are baking something. There are also the protein…
  • I turned down going out to eat w/ friends tonight to go for a run instead. We're meeting up later after dinner for a movie. :)
  • Get yourself a sexy piece of lingerie and hang it somewhere in your room where you can always see it, like on the outside of your closet door or something. Also, find pictures of fit women and tape them to your cupboard door...I do little things like that and they act as reminders that I need to stay focused and in…
  • I totally slacked, too! Now I want to start to get into modeling. I've got the height, I just need to whittle down the hips and tone up...I totally get what you mean by being happy w/ your results and then letting go! Sucks. But, we did it once before, and we can do it again. Its just a matter of making it a habit and a…
  • hmmm...stick to 1200. That's the minimum to eat if you want to loose weight. But if you are hungry and you've already reached your limit, dip into your exercise calories so you don't feel hungry. Either way, you'll loose weight if you stay between the 1200 minimum and your max w/ the added exercise cals. But you'll loose…
  • results take a few weeks to show. keep it up! give it 2-3 weeks.
  • Give yourself one day off. Then get back on track. Before you eat/drink anything, think, "Will I log this into MFP?" Today is new. :)
  • count me in. I lost 15lbs this time last year and gained it all back. I've gotten so careless! I could use motivation and support to get back into the swing of things. I'd like to loose 20lbs by March 21st, which is the LA marathon because I plan on running it!
  • Just express to them that you are grateful for them looking out for you, but that it is important for you to stay consistent with your dieting choices in order to be successful. I find that if I let one day slide w/ my eating, I totally get off track and its hard to get focused again. If they don't understand, don't give…
  • me, too! and i mess up and think, i'll just do better tomorrow, and then i end up messing up again. We've just gotta put our minds to it and practice our will power and self control. We know what we need to do, we just need to do it!!!
  • getting a pumpkin spice creme (short, nonfat milk w/o whipped cream) tonight at Starbucks for just 130 cals! You can always enjoy pumpkin, make just the filling of pumpkin pie like you would pudding and have it for dessert w/ low fat whipped cream... mmmmm... :D
  • think of how you'll feel after. not good. brush your teeth or chew on some minty gum.
  • wait a minute...wouldn't doing some strength training to build up chest muscles help lift them even a tiny bit??
  • should I cut back on sugar then? most of the sugar I eat is from fruit, anyway...
  • go for walks, that's a start. it might help to start small, and then work up to bigger things. do things you enjoy like walking, swimming, riding bikes, etc. you can do it. :)
  • I always go to disneyland (since I live close), and I usually buy a foot long subway sandwich w/out condiments (so it doesn't get soggy), then I eat half for lunch, and half for dinner, and just add the condiments when I'm inside the park ready to eat. I'll also bring fruit or baked layes to have w/ it, and if I need…
  • I totally was like that! Plus, I hated running. But I started out just going at a slow speed for about 10 min a day. From there I worked up. After about a week or two of running for 10 min, I'd then run for 15 for another week or two, and then 20, 25, and so on. As I ran more and more, by body naturally got stronger, and…
  • Thanks everyone, this helps so much! You're right, I don't need to be negative about myself. I just need to do it and believe that I can. :) PS - I got choc pudding and low fat cottage cheese to try that recipe!
  • I lost 15 lbs, fell off the wagon, and gained it all back. I'm going to do this, too.
  • I'm worried it might be a stress fracture, actually...
  • the water idea sounds great! I am going to try it tomorrow. :) thanks so much for the tips! I am trying to eat less ice cream, so i think the water thing will help me w/ that.
  • yeah she has you eating certain recipes according to your body type, metabolism, activity, etc. Or she tells you how many servings of each food group you should eat at each meal if you don't like her planned meals, so you can make your own, and then you log it in like you do on MFP. She's also got daily workouts for you to…
  • Oh man, me TOO!!! mad at myself. I'm right there w/ you. Time to seriously kick our own butts.
    in GRRR Comment by swissdutchess June 2009
  • they are yummy! they've got the regular...cheddar, bbq, sea salt, etc.
  • Hey, don't be discouraged! Plateaus are a natural thing. Frustrating, but natural. Plus, you totally switched up your schedule, even if you didn't have an option in that. You just have to find what works for you and take the time to find it. I plateaued for the longest time, like 2 or 3 months, and then started loosing…
  • awesome! so glad you joined us. :) keep up the great work! its the best feeling, isn't it?
  • Wow, that is totally inspiring! I'm so excited that you are reaching your life goals. It inspires me because I got down to 154, then recently went on vacation and binged on bad foods, and when I got back I was 160. :( But that just means that I have to get back on track! My goal is to start modeling and I want to get down…
  • I seriously need to kick my own butt and rededicate myself to MFP, considering I had a week long hiatus from exercise and heating healthy. Well...I did run a couple of days, but MAN! I haven't OD'd on cake, cookies, chips, and ice cream in so stinkin' long! I feel the effects of it for sure...MFP, I vow to get back on…