

  • First of all I would just like to say good luck whether you quit or not, but I wouldn't quit if I were you. Second of all if you look at the fact that there are 14 pages of replies to your post maybe that will change your mind. If all these people took the time to give suggestions or even just to call you a quitter, maybe…
  • I think it is possible to run to often. I have started running again recently, and I try to take one day of rest a week. This rest doesn't always have to be a complete break from working out. For example I usually run three to four miles in a workout, but on a rest day I may ride the stationary bike or weight train…
  • Very impressive. I usually don't get along with treadmills, but I may have to look into this. I know it seems a bit odd to not get along with a treadmill, but I have problems maintaining my stride on them. This could be because I have only run on inexpensive machines in the past.
  • Thanks for all the posts so far. It looks like track work may be my best bet. Doesn't sound like much fun, but nothing worth having ever comes easy.
  • I have tossed around the idea of signing up for a race. Not to sound like a cheapskate but its hard for me to embrace the idea of paying to go run. This is a good idea though, thanks.
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