Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Hey Rebel,

    As many have said in this thread, 10lbs in a month is brilliant! I know it must seem like a hugely daunting task, but MFP really is the best place to be to help you lose the rest.

    12 years ago, I was somewhere in the region of 250lbs; I lost about 60lbs in a year, put some back on then found MFP and am now down to 130ish lbs and am a UK size 10. I used to look at myself in the mirror, with my fat *kitten* and my wide hips and my wide shoulders and flabby tummy and think 'I am NEVER going to be a size 10, it's not physically possible' And yet here I am.

    Check out some of the biggest losers (weightwise!) here like FitnessChefJime; they've completely turned their lifestyles around and lost tons of weight.

    It IS possible; I've done it, you can do it. You CAN do it, but please be open to help from the community - they really know their stuff!

    Good luck x
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Check your calories--you're miscalculating, which is probably part of your problem. Peanut M&Ms have 103 calories for 10 pieces. Your diary lists 44 calories for 18 pieces. It would actually be 185 calories.

    You can't just just shop for the lowest MFP listing--some of the numbers here are wrong, and it's easy to know which if you just check the packaging. Chances are, you are eating far more calories than you're tracking in your diary, and your diary is set to allow more calories than you should be eating. July 2nd, your goal is set to 5,133 calories, you consumed 3,462 calories, and you ingested 4,202 mg of sodium. That is not how to lose weight. I know you say you burned over 2900 calories in that one day by climbing stairs, but I would seriously question that number. Perhaps you would benefit from a good heart rate monitor so you can get a good handle on calories burned. I think most of us could benefit from that.

    Oh, and you're more than doubling your popcorn calories by popping in oil. Air pop. And do your best not to just manually quick-add calories. Actually read the packages, do the weighing, and do the math. Makes taking responsibility for choices a lot easier when you really examine what those choices are.

    If you really want this, you have got to be honest with yourself and stop making excuses. I hope you do--I would love to see you succeed.


    I do want this. With the m&m's what is wrong using the 183 calorie one that came up in the choices (the onl one I saw) and there was no package in front of me so how would I know it was wrong I would rather have my calories on MFP be higher than they actually are (a little leeway if you would) than be low. My sodium has always been pretty low its just this weekend I had gatorade while I was out in the heat working. I have ben making responsible choices SSince i started on june first

    You underestimated dramatically. You entered 44 calories when it was, in fact, 185. You're quick-adding calories which hides the nutrients and sodium. There's a lot of that going on in your diary. All you have to do is Google the food and pull up the manufacturer's site--most companies list the nutritional info, including M&Ms. If they don't, there are other sources--pull up three or four so you can be sure of the accuracy.

    Rebel, I so want you to succeed. But you have got to stop insisting that your choices have been responsible when you've been putting away 15 ounce New York Steaks, M&Ms, oil-popped popcorn (four cups!), 1,000 calorie grilled cheese sandwich pairs, and slices of chocolate cake. Take responsibility, recognize that your choices are obviously not good ones by your own reckoning. You're the one who said that this wasn't working. You're the one who said you were going to quit MFP because you weren't losing weight. MFP can only work if you make the changes you need to make. Part of that is being honest and accurate in your food diary and exercise logging.

    I am SO rooting for you. I'm not angry, I'm not trying to insult or hurt your feelings. I'm trying to get you to see that this can't just be a case of fudging numbers and eating a little less crappy, processed, sodium-laden food. You don't have to completely cut those foods out, but you have got to start being absolutely correct in your logging and start mastering the switching about of ingredients or preparation methods so you can make your foods more healthy. I want you to win, and if you're in culinary school, you are in a unique position to learn how to do all of this in a healthier way.

    Good luck to you, Rebel. I'm all done here, really this time. Like you, like everyone else, I have my own stuff going on and I can't keep investing myself in someone who doesn't want the help or attention. I hope you get what you're wishing for. I mean that.

  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    You will gain weight after a hard workout and then the water water will go away and you will have a giant loss. I see it all the time when I do a weight training routine or something.

    Honestly, your post screams of I just don't want to but the work into what I need to do.

    You need to get your mind ready. Losing weigh is like a roller coaster ride. You have to stay on for the highs and the lows. If you try to jump off before the ride is over you could be killing yourself.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    maybe I should step back a little for everyone who is telling me I didn't gain the weight in a year. I didn't gain it all but I did gain 50lbs in a year 3 surgeries will do that and at my highest weight I was 314 and yes after a month I'm ready to quit it is not helpful when I watch what I eat exercise now and lose then now gain steadily back. Im not expecting that MyFitnessPal will do it all for me I never said that but when changing diet and beginning exercise and weight comes off and now gain plateaus are that plateaus not gains.

    Maybe you need to seek out the services of a nutritionist? It's possible you just need to adjust what you eat and when. Everyone's body is different and responds differently to stress. Perhaps all that labor you did outside in the heat left you dehydrated and your body is just freaking out on you. I bet if you stick with it this week, drink lots of water, and stay within your calories, you'll see a big loss next week. Some people's bodies like to hold on for a week, or even gain a little, then have a bigger loss all at once the next week. Don't give up on yourself. This is a life-long journey and you've only just begun. Your little girl needs her daddy to be healthy and stay with her as long as he can. Take a step back, look at what you've been tracking, weighing and measuring, water intake, exercise, etc. Bodies change as we age. It SUCKS, but it's true. When I was younger, I'd buckle down and get on a "diet" and lose 7 pound the first week, then 5, then 4. Now, I have to kill myself to get 2 pounds in a week. It's a process.

    You deserve the hard work that this will take. And it is hard work. But aren't you worth hard work? Isnt' your baby girl worth hard work? You can do this. Don't give in to the negativity. We've all been there. If it was easy, there wouldn't be an obesity problem in the world! Hang in there. Take one meal at a time.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Rebel - glad you decided to stick with it. A 13-lb loss is a great accomplishment!! Give yourself a break, allow yourself to mess up every now & then, and get back in the swing of things. Hang in there! Good luck!
  • nastytater
    nastytater Posts: 64 Member
    Truely,I am disgusted with the ones on here that are calling him a quitter....I can understand his frustration and also understand his wanting to just say forget it...Maybe it was just water gain,and maybe we won't ever find out if he stays with it...But isn't this site about helping one another...Calling someone a quitter isn't going to help....Support him,tell him how he can stay here and tips on how he might be able to loose weight...Don't call him names...Some of the folks on here are very dear to me because I know they are going through the same trouble as I am...Every day they help me by commenting on my status on how much calories I have burned and also how many calories under my goal is,and it lifts my spirits more and more each day to know that I am not doing this alone...A large persons self image is drastic enough without people down grading them,do you have to kick him while he's down?....Grow up and try to be supportive....
    Partner,if you would like to add me,I'm sure that we could help one another in different ways to loose these pounds that we have....Just send me a request and lets get to this....
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    First off, quitting does not equal failure. So, for some people to just bring negative thoughts to the table, well - I think its wrong.

    Secondly, maybe you need to take a break and re-evaluate your choices. Are you more interested in living a lifestyle that is healthy, or a lifestyle that is all about what your number is on a scale? Rome was not built in a day, therefore weight loss cannot come off in a day either. Look at it this way, it took you x number of years to gain the weight, it will take you x number of days (I won't say years because many things can happen in a year!) to loose it. But, ultimately nobody can tell you what to do. It is your choice :)

    Lastly, maybe you need more of an encouraging support system. I know we all hit plateaus and its hard and we get frustrated! But, with time, it gets easier and better.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope that someday, you'll come back to MFP :) I am sure many people will be here to support you!!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    ETA: Have your tried to seek help from a nutritionist or MFP friends we could all probably really help you along this journey noone wants you to give up. Please stay positive!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    So don't you want to

    "Keep up with your daughter
    Play softball again
    walk a full round of golf
    not be fat anymore"


  • 2112540
    2112540 Posts: 71
    Don't give up this is the only thing that has every worked for me! Using this website I can eat way more than before and I feel much more sane:) When I first started working out and eating better it took my body three months to drop any weight!! Now it's coming off quick and effortlessly as long as I follow my plan:)
  • Normalg
    Normalg Posts: 125 Member
    If you're following the diet calorie count and exercising then maybe there is something medically wrong. Like metabolism not working properly or something else hurting your weight loss because you should lose if you're eating healthy. Please let us know is ever join again!!
  • squishyjenn
    squishyjenn Posts: 245 Member
    All I have to say the only person you are giving up on is yourself. Oh, and your family too since your weight will eventually lead you to an early grave.
  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    Dude, *kitten* that. Keep on truckin' brother. Time is going to pass whether you are living healthfully or killing yourself slowly. You may as well make healthy choices, keep working out and have a side benefit be the shedding of some lbs. Keep on keepin' on man, don't let that bull**** bring you down.
  • aly1221
    aly1221 Posts: 55
    you joined in JUNE and you're already ready to give up?
    the whole point is to CHANGE i have no idea what kind of change can happen in a month but if you find something that can actually get you to your goal that fast then good on you, but i'm not going for short cuts, no one here is.
    we all know it takes work and anything worth getting is.
    i really hope that you find your way because that child in the picture probably benefit from you dieing from a heart attack

    i still have to say this to myself sometimes and i know it's mean but stop being lazy and get your a** up as much as you can
    and ask a dr or nutritionist if you are really stumped

    good luck in your future
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    Wow, lots of comments regarding your topic. I'm sorry to hear that you were discouraged and wanted to quit, and while most people won't admit it, a lot of people feel that way at the beginning. The longer you stick with this, the easier it will be. A lot of us have been there, and still are there! You can do this. But you have to be ready! :)

    Every time I log on to MFP Message Boards there are more and more negative, scrutinizing comments. I understand the ones where people are trying to help... but some are just mean. This should be a place to encourage people and be supportive.

    Good luck on your journey! :)
  • First of all I would just like to say good luck whether you quit or not, but I wouldn't quit if I were you. Second of all if you look at the fact that there are 14 pages of replies to your post maybe that will change your mind. If all these people took the time to give suggestions or even just to call you a quitter, maybe you could channel the same effort into your diet. Then you can thank everyone for their suggestions and prove all the doubters and name callers wrong. Or you could just quit.

    Also how honest are you being when posting your food for the day. I only say this because before this website I never was honest with myself and couldn't figure out why I would gain weight even working out every day. Every soda, cupcake, cheese steak, and slice of pie counts. I wish they didn't too, but life just ain't that easy. How far along are you in the couch to 5k? I am a fairly big guy too and am always impressed with anyone over 250 running 3 or more miles at a time.
  • bigguy00
    bigguy00 Posts: 27
    I would just like to say. You didn't put all this weight on overnight. It takes time. Its a life style change. Slow and easy wins the race. Good luck and always remember YOU CAN DO IT!
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    I just don't know what to say anymore. I am tired of people reading only the past weekend in my food diary and telling me im eating wrong next time read longer or do you just read the last page of a book and thats it The Harry Potter Books must have sucked you had no Idea why they ended the way they did. I don't eat processed foods it might be entered like that because thats the closest I can find to what it was. I don't have time in class to add every single recipe i do I done have a choice over what I make so I just quick add calories and I try to go high since its hard to log a bite of this and a bite of that.

    Thank you all that have been positive and the ones that think I am quitting yes I thought that but I am not so stop acting like I am and try something nice instead of how I am screwing up. With all of your negative posts it makes it harder to want to keep going but the positive ones I love they keep me going Now I know most of the people that post after this are only going to read the first one so screw off read he other posts I have put up be fore you judge me to harshly
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Rebel, I did read some negative comments, but for the most, eveyone wrote you telling you how bad that decision was going to be. If you quit now , chances are you wont be around to see your children marry and you will have health problems in your future
    I messged you, and you never replied. I also was looking at your diet for the last couple of weeks and I did notice tons of soduim and processed foods, which dont help in weight loss

    again, please message me, I am not a professional, but I can share some tips and hints with you to help you...........again, you have 14 pages of posts from people who care.....remember, they took the time to reply, so its not like they didnt care, were here for support........take care, best wishes and please reply , I think I can help ,as well as you can friend me..............Best wishes, Lloyd
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I just don't know what to say anymore. I am tired of people reading only the past weekend in my food diary and telling me im eating wrong next time read longer or do you just read the last page of a book and thats it The Harry Potter Books must have sucked you had no Idea why they ended the way they did. I don't eat processed foods it might be entered like that because thats the closest I can find to what it was. I don't have time in class to add every single recipe i do I done have a choice over what I make so I just quick add calories and I try to go high since its hard to log a bite of this and a bite of that.

    Thank you all that have been positive and the ones that think I am quitting yes I thought that but I am not so stop acting like I am and try something nice instead of how I am screwing up. With all of your negative posts it makes it harder to want to keep going but the positive ones I love they keep me going Now I know most of the people that post after this are only going to read the first one so screw off read he other posts I have put up be fore you judge me to harshly

    People have the attention span of gnats. Noone wants to read the whole thread. I knew you had changed your mind about quitting within hours of your post. I actually just came on here to find out why this thread is still alive. I hope you don't think my comments were negative. I never meant for them to be, and I'm totally happy and excited that you decided to stick with it. I think you're awesome, man. You do it in whatever way works for you, and if for some reason, you stop seeing progress, do a little research and see if you can figure out why. That is what MFP is here for, to help you find a way to do it for yourself. Can't wait to see your success story post this time next year. :smile:
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