Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Must have been TOM. Heck I can weigh 6 lbs heavier during that.

    MFP is a TOOL to use while YOU lose weight.

    Good luck.
  • colleenm137
    You remind me of me a couple of weeks ago. After 2 weeks of paying close attention to what I ate and exercising, I stepped on the scale to discover I'd gained several pounds. I stayed in bed an entire day after that, ready to throw in the towel. I'm fortunate to have a super supportive boyfriend. He told me, "Trust the process. You are exercising and making healthier choices. Give it time. It will happen." Pretty much what a lot of people in this thread are telling you. Don't give up. The process is slow but the results start adding up and when they do you'll feel so good about yourself and you'll be so glad you didn't give up. Really use MFP too. This is my first post, but I read the forum all the time. There is so much useful information and support here. Don't give up and good luck to you.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I have been on a plateau for the last 6 weeks! But I am not giving up. Living is just too important and its a better option for me than dying! I am still healthier than when I started! I am toner, happier and I am nicer to my family and to myself. I can walk a flight of stairs without dying at the top from one trip! I can walk with my family at outtings instead of having to sit down every 15 minutes! My endurance and health are 10 times better than when I started. Its not just about weight. Its about being healthier so you can live longer and be happier. Giving up is easy. Its why so many people do it! But think of where you could be one year from now as apposed to where you are now! It is worth it. But you have to WANT it more than taking the easy way out. I hope you don't give up. You're worth the effort. Good luck.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    maybe I should step back a little for everyone who is telling me I didn't gain the weight in a year. I didn't gain it all but I did gain 50lbs in a year 3 surgeries will do that and at my highest weight I was 314 and yes after a month I'm ready to quit it is not helpful when I watch what I eat exercise now and lose then now gain steadily back. Im not expecting that MyFitnessPal will do it all for me I never said that but when changing diet and beginning exercise and weight comes off and now gain plateaus are that plateaus not gains.

    Okay, so you gained fifty in a year. So did I. In fact, I gained more than that in six months. I'm not sure I understand your point. You haven't given losing a year--you haven't even given it a month.

    Ask yourself what happens if you quit. I know you know the answer to that. What happens is nothing--maybe a little weight gain, 20 lbs or so. Maybe your blood pressure and your A1c creep a little higher. Maybe your left foot aches when you walk or the sciatica starts to really give you grief. And in a year, you look back, and you ask yourself where you might have made it to if you hadn't thrown in the towel at less than a MONTH. How good is that going to feel?

    Now, ask yourself what happens if you keep on. If you keep working, if you try to build upon that ten pounds. At the very worst, you only lose a little, but still make important and healthy lifestyle changes. Even if your rate of loss slows to four pounds a month? In a YEAR, that's almost FIFTY POUNDS!

    So what do you want to be doing in a year? Walking around fifty pounds lighter, or 20 pounds heavier and hating yourself because you quit?

    Get on it, bro. Come on. If this is what you want, then you're already in the right place--just make up your mind that it's what you want and what you're willing to work for in the long term. If being healthier and losing weight isn't what you want, then cancel your account and move on.

    Regardless, I wish you luck.

  • WinningAt50
    WinningAt50 Posts: 35 Member
    Aww!! Sorry to hear that you want to give up. I just want to say.. There will always be reasons to quit things when it's challenging , brings you pain, or you just don't get the results you want quick enough. I use to weigh 356 lbs. I have lost and gained 50lbs 3 times within the past few years. I felt like I was on a roller coaster that would never end. Today, right now, this very moment I am still struggling but I am not going to give up. Today I weight 308lbs . You just need to regroup and search deep inside your heart and decide if you really want to lose this weight. I had to tell myself over and over again that I am not going to let food control my life, I want to live and enjoy my life to the fullest. I don't want to live my life with Food controlling it. You have to take baby steps and forget about that dare scale. Let your feelings be your guide not the scale. So what if you have a bad day, bad week just don't ever quit, don't give it. I don't know you but I know that you can do this because you are crying out for help just like i was. I joined My Finess pal because I have been stuck at 308 for several months and I am still up and down, I get frustrated, mad and some more stuff but I am not going to quit. There are lots of motivational people out here. You just have to chose the ones that have the same types of goals that you have. I would love to be your friend because I think that we could really help each other. I still have about 85 more lbs to go. So please don't focus so much on where you are at and what the scale says. Look at where you are heading and the rewards at the end.. Today I feel wonderful. My workouts are better and food is not controlling me anymore. Please rethink this and I would love to be your friend. Enjoy the holiday and don't be so hard on yourself. We are all in this together and Together we can beat the battle of the Bulge..
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I'm usually compassionate and very nice but when I see things like this I have no sympathy.

    First of all, it seems like you make no effort on your part to loose the weight. Your diary is not even open so people can see it. A website does not makes the pounds come off. A little bit of exercise at work is not going to help your cause either. If you do not diet right, then what is the point?

    Second, this community as a whole has lost a lot of pounds. So for you to dismiss everything we say is just asinine. A lot of things come from experience which obviously you do not have. So, either grow up and put some effort or get out. Last thing this place needs is someone plaguing the mood.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Maybe examine your attitude and have some accountability. MFP isn't a diet. It's tools to help you make a healthy lifestyle change.

    20 Million pounds lost...MFP works if you do! won't be missed!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    wow, that's not cool. I hate when people quit so quickly, kinda offends me actually. I've been at this a LONG time and will press on for the rest of my life.
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!

    yes! dont listen to people putting you down. baby steps, baby steps. You can do this!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Quitter! It takes lots of effort and discipline to lose weight. It's going to take time to lose that weight, quit being so damned impatient. Just because you're not seeing any short-term success doesn't mean you're aren't on the right track. If you're eating healthy and exercise you WILL lose weight. Just keep at it and you'll get there. If you give up now, you'll just regret it later unless you want to be fat forever.
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    Maybe examine your attitude and have some accountability. MFP isn't a diet. It's tools to help you make a healthy lifestyle change.

    20 Million pounds lost...MFP works if you do! won't be missed!

    this is a sad thing to say to someone who is down. no one succeeds under that kind of meanness. so sad.
  • ljw556
    ljw556 Posts: 43 Member
    I think that sometimes it can be unhelpful to weigh yourself too often. There are other ways of measuring success. In the past, I have found it most effective to weigh myself once per month. I think it's also good practice to keep a little book in which you can write all the improvements that you see in your life. For instance, I have more zest for life, my heals hurt MUCH less, I can now use the elliptical for 20 minutes - I could only do 2 minutes when I started 3 months ago, I've dropped a dress size etc. It's also a good idea to measure yourself with a tape measure every 2-4 weeks and to measure your body fat %, BMI and hip to waist ratio. You can log these things in MFP and then look at the charts. After a month or so you should be able to see the charts generally dropping. I think the book with the life improvements is one of the most effective tools I use. I also write down the things I think of doing in the future - things that I would never have thought of doing before. You have to try to look at the bigger picture if you want to succeed long term. Good luck.

    edit: I'd just like to say that maybe you are not coming at this from the right angle motivation wise either. Maybe you would feel more enthused about living healthily if you were doing things you really enjoy to facilitate that. For instance, I have SO much fun at Zumba, i absolutely love it. Maybe you would find doing something like boxercise more fun than doing heavy lifting on a building site? That way it will feel more like fun than a chore, and you'll want to do it if you lose pounds that week or not. Just for the craic of it.
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    My advice take it or leave it - stop wallowing in self pity, man up and grow up pair!!!

    With an attitude like that you will stay fat forever. Instead of talking about how hard done to you are and acting like the world owes you something how about reading some of the inspiring stories of members who have worked their *kitten* of to get the body they wanted. Do you think they gave up the first week they had a small gain......errrrrr nope!!

    I hope for your own sake that you start fighting for what you want instead of giving up at the first hurdle because you will be a hell of a lot happier and healthier for doing so and it means you might actually get to see your children grow up, have kids of their own and be an active part of that.....but hey it's your call. Do what the hell you want. Good luck to you.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    Go ahead...quit! So when your daughter grows up and someone says..."what happened to your daddy" She can say.."I wasn't worth it, he gave up on himself,,therefore he gave up on me. He had a heart attack before my 4th birthday." " I sure wish he would have stuck with it..I miss him so much." Makes you want to cry doesn't it? Good! Now get off your *kitten* and take your daughter for a walk! Don't do it for it for HER! Sorry...but if I can do it so can you..and I'm doing it not only for myself..but for my boys and my future grandchildren. DON'T GIVE UP! Did I pi$$ you off? Good! Now take your anger out on a workout! Add me if you would like...or are you honestly going to give up. But if you stick with it...don't expect me to be nice all the time...just blunt and honest. Good Luck!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!

    ^^^ This! What a wonderful wife you have. :)
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Ok, I"m gonna join in with the others. Geez, what an attitude ! Being fat takes no effort - TRUE. If you want to get healthy - feel better, it does take effort. You will have ups and downs - it isn't easy, but believe me, it isn't impossible.

    Quitting and keep doing what you've been doing in the past will certainly NEVER get you to a healthier weight. MyFitnesspal doens't do it FOR you. It's a TOOL. Until you are mentally ready to set your mind to your goal and stay the course - you are probably better off quitting. Quitters never win. In anything.

    With all that said --- Good luck !
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Rebel, if you need extra motivation, read this: I apologize to your wife in advance, lol!

    It may be just the motivation you need! If not, maybe it will just give you a good laugh to help brighten your day. :)
  • widmar
    widmar Posts: 72
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!

    This should be your biggest motivation. She is soooo proud of you and there to support you. I wish you all the luck and hope you stick with it. It is not easy.. physically or mentally. Don't listen to the negativity. I believe that your post was a cry for help and support or you would have just quit and not said anything to anyone.
    Keep at it!!!!