Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Well when you are ready to lose weight we will see you again. this is a great free program. maybe yo u just need a nutritionist and a trainer to guide you for a bit. Dont give up! It only gets worse..
  • marcsgirl74
    Don't do this. You lost 10 pounds so that is a great start. If you are wanting to lose 100 pounds it will probably take you close to a year. Be patient. I think maybe you had a great workout with the blocks but it was probably mostly weights and you need mostly cardio to melt off the pounds. If I were you I would stick to just cardio for a good while. You can do this. Your proof is on the scale. You lost 10 pounds. You can lose ten more, and ten, more, and ten more. You lost those ten pounds yourself so that is proof you are capable of doing it. Maybe try eating different foods. Or change up your exercise routine. I hope you don't give up because you may be tired of dieting now but you will be tired of being overweight again tomorrow or the next day or next week and by then you might have gained back those hard 10 pounds you lost. Good luck to you
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Boy you really know how to get yourself ripped apart here. I'm not going to do that. I think your post is the equivalent to what so many people on a weight loss journey have done. Except they've cried alone in their bathroom when they stepped or the scale or vented to someone in their family that it's not even worth it because they're not getting results. I think you've just done that in a spectacularly public fashion. So, I for one will let you have your hissy fit and then encourage you to do two things. 1. go to a doctor and have yourself checked out for a thyroid or other issue. 2. drop the twinkie and jump back on the wagon. You may also choose to change your username :) (kidding)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'm sorry you've made this choice because you don't sound happy about it, you sound resigned to a life of being fat.

    I don't want to be harsh, but the fact that you've only given MFP a week suggests to me that you aren't ready to make the long term commitment necessary to lose weight and it doesn't matter what form of change or diet you choose, until you're ready, none of them will work.

    I say this because I've been there. Made short term effort time and again and given up because I didn't get results fast enough. I hope you'll get to the point where you can commit yourself to bettering your life sooner rather than later.

    And it's kind of sad that you didn't stick around longer, who knows how much would have come off after another week.
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    So you quit after a week? You're just looking for an excuse to stay fat. Period. We've all had ups and downs here, but stuck with it. In all likelihood, you are dehydrated and your body is storing water to make up for it. Working like that CAN cause weight gain, and to run away so quickly is just cowardly....
    I agree.
  • marcsgirl74
    I agree. The your a quitter stuff never helped me either.
  • cjgurley
    cjgurley Posts: 10
    You do what you want.... what you are going through is what we all go through..... it is part of control.... "mind over matter" ... It is not called dieting.... it is called a "LIFE" change.... you have to commit to it and stay with it forever.... through all the ups and downs.... you quit now....well you probably never committed to it as a life change.... it you call it a "DIET" thinking after you lose you can go back to your old ways.... then you really didnt get it :noway: .... look at all the time you have spent so far..... why throw it away by quiting... Stay with it.... it will turn around.... you just got to commit to it for the rest of your life............. Carolyn :blushing:
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    If you say you can't, you're right.

    You have to change mental attitude and belieif systems before you can make lasting physical changes. Hope you can see this one day. Good luck.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I know it's been said before, it is probably water weight. And I don't want to butcher this theory or body process, but there is something about muscles retaining water to help them repair themselves after a hard workout. I'd say building a brick wall would be a hard workout for anybody.

    ^^^^^^^ This.

    I would lay money on his joints hurting at this precise moment in time and possibly being quite hot to the touch (hint: inflammation.)

    It's clear what has happened. He got dehydrated whilst doing all that manual labour. Most men hold water weight around their abdomen /stomach region. That's why he felt like his pants were "falling down" as he lost a fair amount of fluid, particularly round his waist during that session. Then his body swung the other way and began retaining water like crazy to assist with muscle repair and the original dehydration.

    8lbs of fat? Unlikely unless he has been on a massive binge for days which he is not telling us about. That equates to eating 28,000 calories over maintenance levels let along deficit level. It could be a little muscle but not a huge amount I think. Studies have shown that even walking is enough to trigger muscular hypertrophy in obese individuals (not saying the OP is obese though).

    When the going gets tough, the tough get smart.
  • Monkeylost
    Monkeylost Posts: 132 Member
    I've only joined today, please tell me it helps! I have put on weight over the las 5 years due to having operations. I am hoping this can help kick start thing while my mobility gets better. Xxxxx
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    Dude, come on!! You've been at it for little over a week. That's hardly any reason to quit! Muscle will certainly cause weight gain, as will salt intake. I gained 4 lbs this past week because I went over my sodium by almost three times the amount! Today, I'm down almost a pound and a half PLUS the weight I had put on because of the water retention.

    If your pants are getting looser, you're doing something right. You CAN lose inches instead of seeing a loss on the scale. Trust me, I can vouch for that....and so can a ton of other people on here. I'm not going to coddle you, I'm going to be real with you. DON'T.QUIT. You will resent yourself if you do. You will feel awful and unhealthy. Ultimately, you will see yourself a failure. Do you want to feel like a failure? No, you don't.

    Hard work and determination. That's the only way you're gonna achieve it. MyFitnessPal is not going to do it for you. It's here as a motivational tool, a way to keep yourself in line. Please reconsider.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    You are 30 years old, and want to lose 100 pounds. A great goal. The good news is you are young. If you lost 1 pound a week, which may seem slow, but isn't a bad goal, you will be 32 years old, at your goal weight, and healthy and ready to live for another 50 or more years.

    Do not focus on the day to day numbers. Don't even weigh yourself every day. I log my weight on Saturday's, but I weigh myself each day out of interest, knowing not to take it seriously. In the past week, I was up as much as 2lbs, but by my weekly weigh in, down 1.2 lbs.

    Focus on the finish line, not the ground right in front of your feet. Stick to it.

    That little girl in your arms is going to learn so much more from what you DO than what you SAY. Show her that you aren't a quitter.

    Good luck on your journey (because that's what this is) and I hope you stick it out. Aim for next week, then the week after, then next month, next year!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I just want to point out that at 280lb a 10lb fluctuation over a day has got to be normal. I gain 2 to 4 lbs everyday form morning to night. Weight yourself once a week and in the morning after going to the washroom.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't understand your problem. It says you just join MFP in June and your ticker says you've lost 13 lbs. You did not put weight on faster than that, so why would you expect to lose faster than that? If you are not willing to start living a healthy life then don't blame a web site for it.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    :mad: I'm actuallyl appauled at some of the responses to this. The Quitter stuff is the kind of stuff I used to get from my Dad, and it only made me want to go to the kitchen and gorge myself!! Sometimes tough love isn't what's needed, it's a kind heart and compassion that we need to succeed!!!!:mad:

    I think this topic sparks alot of emotions for people because so many have worked so hard to get to where they are and they did so by staying committed. I know when I responded I did have that tough love approach, so to speak, but my intention was strictly trying to point out reasons for staying. I also sent a private message and friend request as well, to offer my support in the hopes that he stays. Having said that though, I agree that kindness does go further but sometimes wake up calls are necessary when kindness alone doesn't work.
  • NuevaNatalia
    NuevaNatalia Posts: 72 Member
    I share in your frustration but are you being brutally honest with yourself? Though you may be eating less calories, what kind of calories are you putting in? As one member said, have some accountability. Let members see what you are eating? Diet coke may have 0 calories but it won't help with weight loss. Perhaps you need to go to the doctor and check for medical issues like thyroid.

    When one wants to transfer the problem to an online service, it means that we are not being honest about ourselves and what we are really doing. I was like that for the longest time until I decided to be brutally honest with myself and get accountability.

    Slow and steady wins the race. I encourage you to stick with it.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Wow. Quitter. MyFitnessPal isn't supposed to do it FOR you. Only you can take charge of your life and make the necessary changes needed to get healthy. You didn't gain all that weight over night, or even in a year, it takes lots of time and effort to lose it again. Good luck to you!

  • healthychelsea
    Are we suppose to be begging you not to give up and feel sorry for you? YOU have to want/believe in it, for it to happen. Best luck to you.
  • HarperVT
    HarperVT Posts: 5
    I tell you what man, you got a lot of responses, but I really hope you read the ones that matter. You obviously posted this for a reason other than to just tell people your giving up. I have a desk job, but I do a lot of physical labor on weekends and I will gain weight sometimes no matter how hard I worked. Most of the time I can attribute it to the fact that I drank a lot more water, especially if I had a lot of sodium. Usually by Monday that addtional weight is gone and I'll lose more than usual by that weekend. It took me like 9 months to get to the weight you are now. DO NOT GIVE UP! You owe it to YOURSELF to tough it out. I had gotten over 400 lbs because I gave up on caring about my physical health because of many reasons, but I decided to start caring again July of last year and now I'm about 260 lbs and CONSISTENTLY losing 2-3lbs a week. I eat great tasting meals, I'm rarely hungry, I have a lot more energy, and MFP makes it SIMPLE to keep track of the calorie counting instead of dozens of scrap paper and speadsheets I used to use. Let the temporary set backs motivate you more man, not bring you down. If you keep to your calories and simply build on getting more active then THE WEIGHT WILL COME OFF!!! Educate yourself as much as you can about nutrition and metabolism and you'll begin to understand how easy it really is to control yourself and your body.

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    :mad: I'm actuallyl appauled at some of the responses to this. The Quitter stuff is the kind of stuff I used to get from my Dad, and it only made me want to go to the kitchen and gorge myself!! Sometimes tough love isn't what's needed, it's a kind heart and compassion that we need to succeed!!!!:mad:

    I agree with this poster. We are supposed support and encourage one another, not drive people away :angry: . Rebel, please do not give up..I, myself have problems with binges sometimes and its a never ending battle..I fight it every single day, and sometimes I do fail, but I don't give up! I keep fighting! I remember going back to the doctors just a few months after my journey started and seeing all my health numbers improve, just a few points! It feels really good! Think of how good that will feel to you? Think of your loved ones, and how proud they are of you. I didn't like exercise much either, so I stick to Walking. I put some music on, and let my feet move for an hour or two and thats whats worked for me. Try cutting back on your portions, work in some fruits and veggies, drink more water! You can do this, so please do not give up! I know it's hard! Fight for what you want! :smile: