Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    It's probably water retention, dude. I always weigh more the day after I hit the gym. Just keep trucking and the weight will come off. I've been on a plateau for over a year & I'm still here.
    You can't succeed unless you fail a little first.

    I agree, working out your muscles hard like that takes water to repair muscle. When I started weights and toning I lost half as much and slowed considerably, but inches drew in by a lot. Stopped toning and lost easier. It's a temporary water weight thing. It's all good, though. It's making you a fat burning machine when you have more muscle on you. You want only fat off just do cardio, but you will want those buff muscles, so I'd keep it up.
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    I gained three pounds this week.

    Want to know why? Because I seriously upped my weights at the gym. So my poor sore muscles are holding water to try to repair themselves.

    Want to know how I know it's not fat? Because I've lost a total of 5 inches from 5 locations - including 1.5 inches off my belly.

    Even so, I was a bit disappointed at the gain. Bu tI never once thought of quitting - I did think about being a bit stricter with my food & eating cleaner!!!!

    If you want it bad enough, you'll get there. It'll take work & trial and error. But if you stick with it, little by little you'll get there.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You can't even try for that beautiful baby. What kind of role model are you? Food means more then your child? Yea, you think she'll be better off without you? Go ahead and quit.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Why oh why do people need to say that they are quitting?
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Come on Rebel, don't give up now! You just started, you've got this, kick fat in the face!!!:bigsmile:
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Bro....don't give up. People can beg and cajole all the want, but a lot of people are right in saying that you have to want it or nothing will work. I had to reach almost 400 pounds before I realized that I made myself the way I am...I did it. Only I can change it. Only you can change you. MFP has value if for no other reason than to provide a community where people will encourage you, as long as you're willing to fight, and also where people will kick your butt when you need it...because we all do.

    Ultimately, it's up to you or lose, keep swinging and don't ever give up.

    Rocky: "Ah come on, Adrian, it's true. I was nobody. But that don't matter either, you know? 'Cause I was thinkin', it really don't matter if I lose this fight. It really don't matter if this guy opens my head, either. 'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood. "
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You don't want to quit. You want people to give you reasons to stay. If you really wanted to quit, you would just stop coming to this site without making an announcement.

    You have lots of reason not to give up.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I have to throw this in here: 10 pounds lost in 10 days?? I'd say that's a success!!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I tell you what man, you got a lot of responses, but I really hope you read the ones that matter. You obviously posted this for a reason other than to just tell people your giving up. I have a desk job, but I do a lot of physical labor on weekends and I will gain weight sometimes no matter how hard I worked. Most of the time I can attribute it to the fact that I drank a lot more water, especially if I had a lot of sodium. Usually by Monday that addtional weight is gone and I'll lose more than usual by that weekend. It took me like 9 months to get to the weight you are now. DO NOT GIVE UP! You owe it to YOURSELF to tough it out. I had gotten over 400 lbs because I gave up on caring about my physical health because of many reasons, but I decided to start caring again July of last year and now I'm about 260 lbs and CONSISTENTLY losing 2-3lbs a week. I eat great tasting meals, I'm rarely hungry, I have a lot more energy, and MFP makes it SIMPLE to keep track of the calorie counting instead of dozens of scrap paper and speadsheets I used to use. Let the temporary set backs motivate you more man, not bring you down. If you keep to your calories and simply build on getting more active then THE WEIGHT WILL COME OFF!!! Educate yourself as much as you can about nutrition and metabolism and you'll begin to understand how easy it really is to control yourself and your body.


    Good post.

    This guy needs to tune out all the background noise and focus on the information that will take him forwards, not backwards. There's a big difference between constructive and destructive criticism.

    Educating yourself is a key point. Objective knowledge slays emotion, fear and uncertainty.
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    What I don't understand is how some of you can be SOOO MEAN! Obviously if he wrote 2 paragraphs saying good bye that means he doesn't really want to go or give up. I think he wants more support! Not to tear him down and me him feel even worse than he already is!


    He has done really well losing so much weight in 3 weeks. You should be proud of that. it would take me 2 to 3 months to lose that. Please don't give up and just put it in your mind this will take time. Your not on a tv show where you have nothing to do but workout for 6 hours of the day and people making your food. what you have done is normal weight loss and your on the right track. I'm send you a friend request and i really hope you don't give up!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Im done I tried and now there is just weight gain. since 6/25 i have now GAINED eight pounds when I feel that is impossible. I am doing Couch to 5k, half the time I am doing it twice in one day. Saterday is case in point I helped my dad with building a block wall in his backyard. I started this weekend at 280lbs As the day went on my pants were literally falling off my *kitten*. Since there was no way of recording lifting and pushing 82lbs blocks I put it in the MyFitnessPal as walking up stairs. My job was picking up the Block off the pallet putting it on a hand cart then pushing it 100ft to the wall and piffling into place. How do you gain weight doing that I don't know. And you cant say it was three pounds of muscle. And after researching starvation mode is bull I eat more than half my calories to function so my body isn't in starvation mode and Im under most of the time because I am not going to force feed myself just to "eat back" my calories.

    So I say this "GOOD-BYE MyFitnessPal" thanks for helping me lose ten pounds of the one-hundred I wanted I am now completely done with dieting it is no use anymore to me I am just going to stay fat

    Are you serious? You just joined last month and you're already quitting? That's tragic, it took you longer than that to get heavy, didn't it?

    Have your goals changed? Have your hopes and dreams changed? Or do you still want those things?

    You lost TEN POUNDS. Ten is amazing, and you're giving up. TEN POUNDS--why would you give up now? That's more than some folks lose in three months!

    You say "starvation mode" is BS. I thought so, too, and so I was coming in at 1000+ calories under every day . . . and barely losing weight. I don't eat back ALL my calories, but I shoot for a minimum net of 1200, and guess what? The weight started coming off again. If you're not losing, if you're gaining, why not try that? What on earth do you have to lose by trying it? How could it hurt?

    Here's what gets me through the rough spots when I want to give up--I remember that, weight aside, I am eating better, healthier, and smarter than I ever have. My blood sugar is well controlled, and my back hurts so much less than it once did. It's not just about the pounds on the scale, it's about the lifestyle. It's about being healthier. It's about feeling better. And, honestly, you haven't been at it for long enough to see some of those benefits. So do yourself and those that love you a favor and stick with it. You deserve to feel better and be healthier.

    Please stick with it!

  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    No! Don't give up! Look into Weight Loss Surgery - I recommend the Lap Band System!!! Never give up!

    and what is the lap band suppose to help with that you can eat what you want and it doesn't matter its about eating heather and not cheating
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    I totally agree with this. Calling someone a loser is not helpful. I know I would run if someone were saying that to me. This all makes me very sad. This person needs encouragement, tips (some very good ones given) and to say that food is more important to this individual then his child is about as cold hearted and cruel as one can get.

    Rebel, I pray that you are able to reach deep down inside and find whatever you need within yourself to keep up this fight. Yes for your daughter, but mostly for you. You deserve to be healthy. It is hard. It is agonizing. It is easy to walk away. I believe you can do this. I believe that we all can but it means digging deep to find what motivates us. You are holding a precious child there.

    I hope you can shake off the nasty responses and focus on the ones that are pointing in the right direction.

    I believe in you. You can do it if you decide to keep fighting. I'd say that you have had success, sometimes it doesnt look like our expectations but thats part of whats cool on this site is having supportive friends who can sometimes help you see what you might be missing. Throw out the cruelty and the judgement and keep the good stuff.

    I have been faithfully following a healthy lifestyle for just over 2 months and have lost 13.4 lbs. much slower then I thought it would be. But it really feels like instead of dropping massive weight, I have actually changed the way I think about food and activity. That is how change happens.

    I hope you choose to come back and read are worth this fight.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Wow, you gave up after only a couple weeks? That's not cool. No offense, but that's REALLY not cool.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    how many times have all of us started a diet, lost a few pounds, gained a couple back, then get discouraged and give up? how many times have we failed at diets and gained all our weight back plus more? how often have we said "i'll start Monday" and got to Thursday but just slipped back to our old ways because we probably just weren't ready for the lifestyle change.

    we've all been where this guy is now. we used to be him. he's just not ready yet. he'll get there eventually, but it has to be his choice. hopefully something will "click" for him one day like it did for all of us who are getting healthy with the help of MFP :)

    i won't say "don't give up" because i know it won't change anyone's mind if it's already made. but when you get over this slump and really do decide to get healthy, MFP will be here to help. it's gonna be a very difficult and long journey and you're gonna need as much support as you can get and MFP is the best thing you'll find out there.

    good luck on whatever journey you decide to take.
  • RebelBrew
    RebelBrew Posts: 55
    maybe I should step back a little for everyone who is telling me I didn't gain the weight in a year. I didn't gain it all but I did gain 50lbs in a year 3 surgeries will do that and at my highest weight I was 314 and yes after a month I'm ready to quit it is not helpful when I watch what I eat exercise now and lose then now gain steadily back. Im not expecting that MyFitnessPal will do it all for me I never said that but when changing diet and beginning exercise and weight comes off and now gain plateaus are that plateaus not gains.
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    I love this!

    Rocky: "Ah come on, Adrian, it's true. I was nobody. But that don't matter either, you know? 'Cause I was thinkin', it really don't matter if I lose this fight. It really don't matter if this guy opens my head, either. 'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood. "
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    'maybe I should step back a little for everyone who is telling me I didn't gain the weight in a year. I didn't gain it all but I did gain 50lbs in a year 3 surgeries will do that and at my highest weight I was 314 and yes after a month I'm ready to quit it is not helpful when I watch what I eat exercise now and lose then now gain steadily back. Im not expecting that MyFitnessPal will do it all for me I never said that but when changing diet and beginning exercise and weight comes off and now gain plateaus are that plateaus not gains'

    I believe you. Surgery and recovery takes a toll. It will pay off if you stick with it. I have been overweight (by anywhere from 60- 90 lbs) for the last 23 years and never have I had success at changing my lifestyle but now its working. Its been slow for me, slower then I thought. I see the scale move and sometimes it goes down a lot of the time it goes up but I am getting in shape, the inches are coming off and that doesnt show on the scale. My body feels better. I feel alive. The weight will come off but I have had to learn to keep moving and make sure I am netting as much as possible 1200 calories.

    I know this is your decision to make but I pray that you keep fighting.
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    maybe I should step back a little for everyone who is telling me I didn't gain the weight in a year. I didn't gain it all but I did gain 50lbs in a year 3 surgeries will do that and at my highest weight I was 314 and yes after a month I'm ready to quit it is not helpful when I watch what I eat exercise now and lose then now gain steadily back. Im not expecting that MyFitnessPal will do it all for me I never said that but when changing diet and beginning exercise and weight comes off and now gain plateaus are that plateaus not gains.

    Dude, you are 13lb lighter now than when you joined MFP a few weeks ago!!! That is NOT failure! That is a great start on the road to the new you!! This is not the Biggest Loser where you have constant workouts all day and a controlled diet in a controlled environment. This is real life, where we all have ups and downs, good days and bad, and you have made a great start to a healthier you! Don't throw it all away!
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    I also quit things when they get hard. That's why I'm fit and successful in general. Oh wait, that's right...I don't quit things.
